cyto_dl.datamodules.multidim_image module#

class cyto_dl.datamodules.multidim_image.MultiDimImageDataset(csv_path: Path | str, img_path_column: str, channel_column: str, out_key: str, spatial_dims: int = 3, scene_column: str = 'scene', time_start_column: str = 'start', time_stop_column: str = 'stop', time_step_column: str = 'step', dict_meta: Dict | None = None, transform: Callable | None = None, dask_load: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: Dataset

Dataset converting a .csv file listing multi dimensional (timelapse or multi-scene) files and some metadata into batches of single- scene, single-timepoint, single-channel images.

  • csv_path (Union[Path, str]) – path to csv

  • img_path_column (str) – column in csv_path that contains path to multi dimensional (timelapse or multi-scene) file

  • channel_column (str) – Column in csv_path that contains which channel to extract from multi dimensional (timelapse or multi-scene) file. Should be an integer.

  • out_key (str) – Key where single-scene/timepoint/channel is saved in output dictionary

  • spatial_dims (int=3) – Spatial dimension of output image. Must be 2 for YX or 3 for ZYX

  • scene_column (str=”scene”,) – Column in csv_path that contains scenes to extract from multi-scene file. If not specified, all scenes will be extracted. If multiple scenes are specified, they should be separated by a comma (e.g. scene1,scene2)

  • time_start_column (str=”start”) – Column in csv_path specifying which timepoint in timelapse image to start extracting. If any of start_column, stop_column, or step_column are not specified, all timepoints are extracted.

  • time_stop_column (str=”stop”) – Column in csv_path specifying which timepoint in timelapse image to stop extracting. If any of start_column, stop_column, or step_column are not specified, all timepoints are extracted.

  • time_step_column (str=”step”) – Column in csv_path specifying step between timepoints. For example, values in this column should be 2 if every other timepoint should be run. If any of start_column, stop_column, or step_column are not specified, all timepoints are extracted.

  • dict_meta (Optional[Dict]) – Dictionary version of CSV file. If not provided, CSV file is read from csv_path.

  • transform (Optional[Callable] = None) – Callable to that accepts numpy array. For example, image normalization functions could be passed here.

  • dask_load (bool = True) – Whether to use dask to load images. If False, full images are loaded into memory before extracting specified scenes/timepoints.

create_metatensor(img, meta)[source]#
cyto_dl.datamodules.multidim_image.make_multidim_image_dataloader(csv_path: Path | str | None = None, img_path_column: str = 'path', channel_column: str = 'channel', out_key: str = 'image', spatial_dims: int = 3, scene_column: str = 'scene', time_start_column: str = 'start', time_stop_column: str = 'stop', time_step_column: str = 'step', dict_meta: Dict | None = None, transforms: List[Callable] | Tuple[Callable] | ListConfig | None = None, **dataloader_kwargs) DataLoader[source]#

Function to create a MultiDimImage DataLoader. Currently, this dataset is only useful during prediction and cannot be used for training or testing.

  • csv_path (Optional[Union[Path, str]]) – path to csv

  • img_path_column (str) – column in csv_path that contains path to multi dimensional (timelapse or multi-scene) file

  • channel_column (str) – Column in csv_path that contains which channel to extract from multi dim image file. Should be an integer.

  • out_key (str) – Key where single-scene/timepoint/channel is saved in output dictionary

  • spatial_dims (int) – Spatial dimension of output image. Must be 2 for YX or 3 for ZYX

  • scene_column (str) – Column in csv_path that contains scenes to extract from multiscene file. If not specified, all scenes will be extracted. If multiple scenes are specified, they should be separated by a comma (e.g. scene1,scene2)

  • time_start_column (str) – Column in csv_path specifying which timepoint in timelapse image to start extracting. If any of start_column, stop_column, or step_column are not specified, all timepoints are extracted.

  • time_stop_column (str) – Column in csv_path specifying which timepoint in timelapse image to stop extracting. If any of start_column, stop_column, or step_column are not specified, all timepoints are extracted.

  • time_step_column (str) – Column in csv_path specifying step between timepoints. For example, values in this column should be 2 if every other timepoint should be run. If any of start_column, stop_column, or step_column are not specified, all timepoints are extracted.

  • dict_meta (Optional[Dict]) – Dictionary version of CSV file. If not provided, CSV file is read from csv_path.

  • transforms (Optional[Union[List[Callable], Tuple[Callable], ListConfig]]) – Callable or list of callables that accept numpy array. For example, image normalization functions could be passed here. Dataloading is already handled by the dataset.


The DataLoader object for the MultiDimIMage dataset.

Return type:
