Modifying the Example Configs#


Here we will outline some of the basic modifications that can be made to the provided example configurations if the default configurations does not work on your data. We assume familiarity with running the default configurations and the lightning-hydra-template style.

  1. Changes to the data config

Our data configs all follow the same structure - image loading, image normalization, and image augmentation. Any of these steps can be modified to better suit your needs.
  1. Image loading

    By default, we use aicsimageio, which allows flexible image loading of many formats. In the examples, we assume 3D data and load ZYX slices from a multi-channel image. If your images are 2D, you can change dimension_order_out to YX. Note that the image processing transforms expect channel-first images.

  2. Image normalization

    It is recommended that you transform your images from raw pixel values into a format suitable for your use case. Monai provides many useful transforms for this. Note that we use the dictionary versions of these transforms. Ground truth images should also be normalized based on your use case, e.g. binarized for segmentation, transformed to range [-1, 1] for GANs, etc.

  3. Image augmentation

    Targeted image augmentation can increase model robustness. Again, monai provides excellent options for intensity and spatial augmentations. For spatial augmentations, ensure that your input and ground truth images are both passed to the transformation, while for intensity augmentations ensure that only the input image is changed. Note For instance segmentation, use instance segmentation-specific spatial transforms. Naive implementations of flipping/rotation/ other spatial transforms will make augmented vector fields incorrect.

  1. Changes to the model config

The model config specifies neural network architecture and optimization parameters. Our templates provided a shared backbone with task-specific task_heads, for multi-task learning, (e.g. segmentation and labelfree signal prediction).
  1. Modifying the backbone

    monai provides many cutting edge networks. Crucial parameters to change are the spatial_dims if you are changing from a 3D to 2D task, in_channels if you want to provide multi-channel images to the network, and out_channels. For multi-task learning, it is important to increase the number of out_channels so that the task heads are not bottlenecked by the number of out_channels in the backbone.

  2. Modifying the task_heads

    task_heads can be modified by changing their loss function (suggested if you are changing e.g. from labelfree to segmentation), postprocessing (if you are changing from segmentation to instance segmentation), and task-head type (if you are changing from a segmentation network to a GAN). torch and monai provide many loss functions. We provide basic [postprocessing](cyto_dl/models/utils/postprocessing) functions. Additional task_heads can be added for multi-task learning. The name of each task_head should line up with the name of an image in your training batch. For example, if our batch looks like {‘raw’:torch.Tensor, ‘segmentation’:torch.Tensor, ‘distance’:torch.Tensor} and raw is our input image, we should provide task_heads for segmentation and distance that predict a segmentation and distance map respectively.

3. Memory considerations GPU memory is often a limiting factor in neural network training. Here, GPU memory use is primarily determined by combination of model.patch_shape x data.batch_size. As a rule of thumb, the model.patch_shape should be large enough to contain one instance of the entity that you are trying to predict. Once model.patch_size is established, data.batch_size can be increased until GPU memory is exceeded. Alternatively, if 1 patch is too large for GPU memory, the [Resized Transform](cyto_dl/image/transforms/ can be used to downsample images for training. Model size can also be decreased to decrease GPU memory usage.


Few modifications are required to run testing and prediction using your training config - all of which can be overridden from the experiment config. 1. Top level changes

ckpt_path: this should be the path to the trained .ckpt file that you want to test or use for prediction test: Boolean that dictates whether to run testing or prediction

  1. model changes
    • save_dir: Path to save result images. If omitted, a new directory will be created in the logs directory

  2. data changes
    • path: If running prediction, path should point to a .csv of images to predict on, otherwise prediction will be run on test split from data used for training.

    • columns: For prediction, only the source_col is required