Source code for cyto_dl.utils.checkpoint

import torch

[docs]def load_checkpoint(model, load_params): if load_params.get("weights_only"): assert load_params.get( "ckpt_path" ), "ckpt_path must be provided to with argument weights_only=True" # load model from state dict to get around trainer.max_epochs limit, useful for resuming model training from existing weights state_dict = torch.load(load_params["ckpt_path"])["state_dict"] model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=load_params.get("strict", True)) # set ckpt_path to None to avoid loading checkpoint again with load_params["ckpt_path"] = None elif not load_params.get("strict"): raise ValueError("To use `strict=False`, `weights_only` must be set to True") return model, load_params