Source code for cyto_dl.nn.vits.blocks.patchify.patchify_hiera

from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import torch
from einops import rearrange, repeat
from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange
from timm.models.layers import trunc_normal_

from cyto_dl.nn.vits.blocks.patchify.patchify_base import PatchifyBase

[docs]def take_indexes_mask(sequences, indexes): """ sequences: batch x mask units x patches x emb_dim indexes: mask_units x batch """ # always gather across tokens dimension return torch.gather( sequences, 1, repeat( indexes, "mu b -> b mu p c", b=sequences.shape[0], c=sequences.shape[-1], mu=sequences.shape[1], p=sequences.shape[2], ), )
[docs]class PatchifyHiera(PatchifyBase): """Class for converting images to a sequence of patches with positional embeddings, masked at the level of mask units (groups of patches specified by mask_units_per_dim).""" def __init__( self, patch_size: List[int], n_patches: List[int], emb_dim: int = 64, spatial_dims: int = 3, context_pixels: List[int] = [0, 0, 0], input_channels: int = 1, tasks: Optional[List[str]] = [], mask_units_per_dim: List[int] = [8, 8, 8], ): """ patch_size: List[int] Size of each patch in pix (ZYX order for 3D, YX order for 2D) n_patches: List[int] Number of patches in each spatial dimension (ZYX order for 3D, YX order for 2D) emb_dim: int Dimension of encoder spatial_dims: int Number of spatial dimensions context_pixels: List[int] Number of extra pixels around each patch to include in convolutional embedding to encoder dimension. input_channels: int Number of input channels tasks: List[str] List of tasks to encode mask_units_per_dim: List[int] Number of mask units in each spatial dimension (ZYX order for 3D, YX order for 2D) """ super().__init__( patch_size=patch_size, emb_dim=emb_dim, n_patches=n_patches, spatial_dims=spatial_dims, context_pixels=context_pixels, input_channels=input_channels, tasks=tasks, learnable_pos_embedding=True, ) self.total_n_mask_units = # mask_unit_size is the img shape / mask_units_per_dim, img_shape is size per patch * n_patches mask_unit_size_pix = ( (np.array(patch_size) * np.array(n_patches)) / np.array(mask_units_per_dim) ).astype(int) patches_per_mask_unit = mask_unit_size_pix // patch_size # rearrange patch embeddings to mask units self.pos_embedding = torch.nn.Parameter( rearrange( self.pos_embedding, "(ppmu total_n_mu) 1 emb_dim -> 1 total_n_mu ppmu emb_dim", total_n_mu=self.total_n_mask_units,, emb_dim=emb_dim, ) ) self.mask_units_per_dim = mask_units_per_dim self.patch2img = self.create_patch2img(mask_units_per_dim, mask_unit_size_pix) @property def img2token(self): # redefine this to work with mask units instead of patches return self.create_img2token(self.mask_units_per_dim) # in hiera, the masking is done at the mask unit, not the patch level
[docs] def get_mask_args(self, mask_ratio): n_visible_patches = int(self.total_n_mask_units * (1 - mask_ratio)) return n_visible_patches, self.total_n_mask_units
[docs] def create_img2token(self, mask_units_per_dim): if self.spatial_dims == 3: return Rearrange( "b c (n_mu_z z) (n_mu_y y) (n_mu_x x) -> b (n_mu_z n_mu_y n_mu_x) (z y x) c ", n_mu_z=mask_units_per_dim[0], n_mu_y=mask_units_per_dim[1], n_mu_x=mask_units_per_dim[2], ) elif self.spatial_dims == 2: return Rearrange( "b c (n_mu_y y) (n_mu_x x) -> b (n_mu_y n_mu_x) (y x) c ", n_mu_y=mask_units_per_dim[0], n_mu_x=mask_units_per_dim[1], )
[docs] def extract_visible_tokens(self, tokens, forward_indexes, n_visible_patches): return take_indexes_mask(tokens, forward_indexes)[:, :n_visible_patches]