Source code for cyto_dl.nn.head.res_blocks_head

from typing import Callable

import torch
from monai.networks.blocks import DenseBlock, UnetOutBlock, UnetResBlock, UpSample

from cyto_dl.models.im2im.utils.postprocessing import detach

from .base_head import BaseHead

[docs]class ResBlocksHead(BaseHead): """Task head for doing task-specific convolution and optional upsampling.""" def __init__( self, loss, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, final_act: Callable = torch.nn.Identity(), postprocess={"input": detach, "prediction": detach}, resolution="lr", spatial_dims=3, n_convs=1, dropout=0.0, upsample_method="pixelshuffle", upsample_ratio=None, first_layer=torch.nn.Identity(), dense: bool = False, ): """ Parameters ---------- in_channels:int Number of input channels (same as number of output channels from backbone) out_channels:int Number of output channels final_act:Callable=torch.nn.Identity() Final activation applied to logits postprocess={"input": detach, "prediction": detach} Postprocessing functions for ground truth and model predictions resolution="lr" Resolution of output image. If `lr`, no upsampling is done. If `hr`, `upsample_method` and `upsample_ratio` are used to determine how to perform upsampling. spatial_dims=3 Spatial dimension of data after `first_layer` n_convs=1 Number of convolutional layers dropout=0.0 Dropout ratio upsample_method="pixelshuffle" Method of upsampling. See the [monai upsampling docs]( for options upsample_ratio=None Amount to upsample. If not None, should be array of length `spatial_dims` first_layer=torch.nn.Identity() Initial layer to apply to backbone outputs. For example, `ConvProjectionLayer` for transforming 3D->2D output. dense=False Whether to use dense connections between convolutional layers """ super().__init__(loss, postprocess) self.resolution = resolution conv_input_channels = in_channels modules = [first_layer] upsample = torch.nn.Identity() if isinstance(upsample_ratio, int): upsample_ratio = [upsample_ratio] * spatial_dims if resolution == "hr": if upsample_method == "pixelshuffle": conv_input_channels //= 2**spatial_dims assert len(upsample_ratio) == spatial_dims upsample = UpSample( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=conv_input_channels, scale_factor=upsample_ratio, mode=upsample_method, ) for i in range(n_convs): in_channels = conv_input_channels if dense: in_channels = (i + 1) * conv_input_channels modules.append( UnetResBlock( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=conv_input_channels, stride=1, kernel_size=3, norm_name="INSTANCE", dropout=dropout, ) ) if dense: # dense convolutions modules = [modules[0]] + [DenseBlock(modules[1:])] conv_input_channels *= n_convs + 1 modules.extend( ( UnetOutBlock( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=conv_input_channels, out_channels=out_channels, dropout=dropout, ), final_act, ) ) self.model = torch.nn.ModuleDict( {"upsample": upsample, "model": torch.nn.Sequential(*modules)} )
[docs] def forward(self, x): if self.resolution == "hr": x = self.model["upsample"](x) return self.model["model"](x)