Source code for cyto_dl.nn.head.mask_head

import torch

from cyto_dl.models.im2im.utils.postprocessing import detach
from cyto_dl.nn.head import BaseHead

[docs]class MaskHead(BaseHead): """Task Head using a masked loss function.""" def __init__( self, loss, mask_key: str = "mask", postprocess={"input": detach, "prediction": detach}, ): """ Parameters ---------- loss Loss function for task postprocess={"input": detach, "prediction": detach} Postprocessing for `input` and `predictions` of head calculate_metric=False Whether to calculate a metric during training. Not used by GAN head. """ super().__init__(loss, postprocess=postprocess) self.mask_key = mask_key self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Identity()) def _calculate_loss(self, y_hat, y, mask): return self.loss(y_hat, y, mask)
[docs] def run_head( self, backbone_features, batch, stage, n_postprocess, run_forward=True, y_hat=None, ): """Run head on backbone features, calculate loss, postprocess and save image, and calculate metrics.""" if run_forward: y_hat = self.forward(backbone_features) if y_hat is None: raise ValueError( "y_hat must be provided, either by passing it in or setting `run_forward=True`" ) loss = None if stage != "predict": loss = self._calculate_loss(y_hat, batch[self.head_name], batch[self.mask_key]) # no need to postprocess input and target during prediction return { "loss": loss, "pred": self._postprocess(y_hat, img_type="prediction", n_postprocess=n_postprocess), "target": self._postprocess( batch[self.head_name], img_type="input", n_postprocess=n_postprocess ) if stage != "predict" else None, "input": self._postprocess( batch[self.x_key], img_type="input", n_postprocess=n_postprocess ) if stage != "predict" else None, }