import inspect
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from omegaconf import DictConfig
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss as Loss
from torchmetrics import MeanMetric
from cyto_dl.models.base_model import BaseModel
from .priors import IdentityPrior, IsotropicGaussianPrior, Prior
[docs]class BaseVAE(BaseModel):
def __init__(
encoder: nn.Module,
decoder: nn.Module,
latent_dim: int,
x_label: str,
beta: float = 1.0,
id_label: Optional[str] = None,
reconstruction_loss: Loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction="none"),
prior: Optional[Sequence[Prior]] = None,
decoder_latent_parts: Optional[Dict[str, Sequence[str]]] = None,
disable_metrics: Optional[bool] = False,
metric_keys: Optional[list] = None,
"""Instantiate a basic VAE model.
encoder: nn.Module
Encoder network
decoder: nn.Module
Decoder network
x_label: Optional[str] = None
id_label: Optional[str] = None
beta: float = 1.0
Beta parameter - the weight of the KLD term in the loss function
reconstruction_loss: Loss
Loss to be used for reconstruction. Can be a PyTorch loss or a class
that respects the same interface,
i.e. subclasses torch.nn.modules._Loss
prior: Optional[Sequence[AbstractPrior]]
List of prior specifications to use for latent space
decoder_latent_parts: Optional[Dict[str, Sequence[str]]] = None
Dictionary that specifies for each output part's decoer, what latent
keys it depends on
Additional arguments passed to BaseModel
if not isinstance(reconstruction_loss, (dict, DictConfig)):
assert x_label is not None
recon_parts = [x_label]
recon_parts = reconstruction_loss.keys()
if not isinstance(prior, (dict, DictConfig)):
prior = {"embedding": prior}
if disable_metrics:
"train/loss": MeanMetric(),
"val/loss": MeanMetric(),
"test/loss": MeanMetric(),
elif metric_keys:
for key in metric_keys:
_DEFAULT_METRICS.update({key: MeanMetric()})
"train/loss": MeanMetric(),
"val/loss": MeanMetric(),
"test/loss": MeanMetric(),
"train/loss/total_reconstruction": MeanMetric(),
"val/loss/total_reconstruction": MeanMetric(),
"test/loss/total_reconstruction": MeanMetric(),
"train/loss/total_kld": MeanMetric(),
"val/loss/total_kld": MeanMetric(),
"test/loss/total_kld": MeanMetric(),
for part in prior.keys():
f"train/loss/kld_{part}": MeanMetric(),
f"val/loss/kld_{part}": MeanMetric(),
f"test/loss/kld_{part}": MeanMetric(),
for part in recon_parts:
f"train/loss/reconstruction_{part}": MeanMetric(),
f"val/loss/reconstruction_{part}": MeanMetric(),
f"test/loss/reconstruction_{part}": MeanMetric(),
metrics = base_kwargs.pop("metrics", _DEFAULT_METRICS)
super().__init__(metrics=metrics, **base_kwargs)
for key in prior.keys():
if prior[key] is None or isinstance(prior[key], str):
if prior[key] == "gaussian":
prior[key] = IsotropicGaussianPrior(dimensionality=latent_dim)
prior[key] = IdentityPrior(dimensionality=latent_dim)
# elif not isinstance(prior[key], Prior):
# raise ValueError(
# f"Expected prior to either be one of ('gaussian', 'identity', None)"
# f"or an object of type `Prior`. Got: {type(prior)}"
# )
self.prior = nn.ModuleDict(prior)
self.reconstruction_loss = reconstruction_loss
if not isinstance(encoder, (dict, DictConfig)):
encoder = {"embedding": encoder}
self.encoder = nn.ModuleDict(encoder)
if not isinstance(decoder, (dict, DictConfig)):
assert x_label is not None
decoder = {x_label: decoder}
self.decoder = nn.ModuleDict(decoder)
if not isinstance(reconstruction_loss, (dict, DictConfig)):
assert x_label is not None
reconstruction_loss = {x_label: reconstruction_loss}
self.reconstruction_loss = nn.ModuleDict(reconstruction_loss)
self.beta = beta
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
if decoder_latent_parts is None:
self.decoder_latent_parts = {key: self.prior.keys() for key in self.decoder.keys()}
self.decoder_latent_parts = decoder_latent_parts
for key in self.decoder.keys():
if key not in self.decoder_latent_parts:
raise KeyError(
f"Decoder with key '{key}' doesn't have an entry in "
f"`decoder_latent_parts`, so we don't know which "
"latent parts it uses."
self.encoder_args = {}
for part, enc in self.encoder.items():
if enc is not None:
self.encoder_args[part] = inspect.getfullargspec(enc.forward).args
[docs] def calculate_rcl(self, x, xhat, input_key, target_key=None):
if not target_key:
target_key = input_key
rcl_per_input_dimension = self.reconstruction_loss[input_key](
x[target_key], xhat[input_key]
return rcl_per_input_dimension
[docs] def calculate_rcl_dict(self, x, xhat, z):
rcl_per_input_dimension = {}
rcl_reduced = {}
for key in xhat.keys():
rcl_per_input_dimension[key] = self.reconstruction_loss[key](xhat[key], x[key])
if len(rcl_per_input_dimension[key].shape) > 0:
rcl = (
# flatten
.view(rcl_per_input_dimension[key].shape[0], -1)
# and sum across each batch element's dimensions
rcl_reduced[key] = rcl.mean()
rcl_reduced[key] = rcl_per_input_dimension[key]
return rcl_reduced
[docs] def calculate_elbo(self, x, xhat, z):
rcl_reduced = self.calculate_rcl_dict(x, xhat, z)
kld_per_part = {
part: prior(z[part], mode="kl", reduction="none") for part, prior in self.prior.items()
kld_per_part_summed = {part: kl.sum(dim=-1).mean() for part, kl in kld_per_part.items()}
total_kld = sum(kld_per_part_summed.values())
total_recon = sum(rcl_reduced.values())
return (
total_recon + self.beta * total_kld,
[docs] def sample_z(self, z_parts_params, inference=False):
z = {}
for part, part_params in z_parts_params.items():
if part in self.prior:
z[part] = self.prior[part](part_params, mode="sample", inference=inference)
# if prior for this part isn't in the dict, assume dirac prior
# i.e. just return the params, and it won't contribute to kl
z[part] = part_params
return z
[docs] def encode(self, batch, **kwargs):
ret_dict = {}
for part, encoder in self.encoder.items():
this_ret = encoder(
**{k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in self.encoder_args[part]},
if isinstance(this_ret, dict): # deal with multiple outputs for an encoder
for key in this_ret.keys():
ret_dict[key] = this_ret[key]
ret_dict[part] = this_ret
return ret_dict
[docs] def decode(self, z):
# for each decoder key, get the latent parts it uses from `self.decoder_latent_keys`
# and pass them as *args to that decoder's forward method
return {
part: decoder(*[z[key] for key in self.decoder.keys()])
for part, decoder in self.decoder.items()
[docs] def forward(self, batch, decode=False, inference=True, return_params=False, **kwargs):
is_inference = inference or not
z_params = self.encode(batch, **kwargs)
z = self.sample_z(z_params, inference=inference)
if not decode:
return z
xhat = self.decode(z)
if return_params:
return xhat, z, z_params
return xhat, z
[docs] def model_step(self, stage, batch, batch_idx):
) = self.forward(batch, decode=True, inference=False, return_params=True)
) = self.calculate_elbo(batch, xhat, z_params)
loss = {
"loss": loss,
"total_kld": kld_loss.detach(),
"total_reconstruction": rec_loss.detach(),
for part, recon_part in rec_loss_per_part.items():
loss[f"reconstruction_{part}"] = recon_part.detach()
preds = {}
for part, z_part in z.items():
if not isinstance(z_part, dict):
preds[f"z/{part}"] = z_part.detach()
preds[f"z_params/{part}"] = z_params[part].detach()
for part in self.prior:
loss[f"kld_{part}"] = kld_per_part[part].detach()
if self.hparams.id_label is not None:
if self.hparams.id_label in batch:
ids = batch[self.hparams.id_label].detach()
preds.update({self.hparams.id_label: ids, "id": ids})
return loss, preds, None