Source code for cyto_dl.models.im2im.utils.noise_annealer

import torch

[docs]class NoiseAnnealer: """Anneals variance of gaussian noise of real and fake examples passed to discriminator, called instance noise. This makes the generator's task harder and increases support of the real and fake distributions so they overlap, which has nice theoretical implications for the quality of the discriminator. Also can be used as a curriculum learning technique by iteratively unblurring the target to make segmentation harder over time. """ def __init__(self, annealing_steps: int = 5000, init_variance: float = 0.3): """ Parameters ---------- annealing_steps:int=5000 Number of steps to linearly anneal variance from `init_variance` to 0 init_variance:float=0.3 Initial variance of noise """ self.init_variance = init_variance self.noise = init_variance self.step_size = init_variance / annealing_steps self.annealing_steps = annealing_steps self._done = False self.steps = 0
[docs] def update_noise(self): if self.steps > self.annealing_steps: self._done = True else: self.noise -= self.step_size self.steps += 1
def __call__(self, img): self.update_noise() if self._done: return img else: noise_tensor = torch.randn(img.shape) * self.noise noise_tensor = noise_tensor.type_as(img) return torch.add(img, noise_tensor)