Source code for cyto_dl.image.transforms.track_transforms

import copy
from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from monai.transforms import RandomizableTransform, Resize, Transform
from omegaconf import ListConfig

[docs]class GenerateTrackLabels(Transform): """Transform to generate track labels from breakdown and formation labels.""" def __init__( self, img_key: str = "img", formation_key: str = "formation", breakdown_key: str = "breakdown", track_start_key: str = "track_start", label_key: str = "label", ): """ Parameters ---------- img_key: str Key with image formation_key: str Key with formation breakdown_key: str Key with breakdown track_start_key: str Key with track start label_key: str Key to save label into """ super().__init__() self.img_key = img_key self.formation_key = formation_key self.breakdown_key = breakdown_key self.track_start_key = track_start_key self.label_key = label_key def __call__(self, img_dict): n_timepoints = img_dict[self.img_key].shape[0] formation_idx = int(img_dict[self.formation_key] - img_dict[self.track_start_key]) breakdown_idx = int(img_dict[self.breakdown_key] - img_dict[self.track_start_key]) # 0: normal, 1: mitotic tp_labels = np.zeros(n_timepoints) if 0 <= formation_idx < len(tp_labels): tp_labels[:formation_idx] = 1 if 0 <= breakdown_idx < len(tp_labels): tp_labels[breakdown_idx + 1 :] = 1 img_dict[self.label_key] = tp_labels return img_dict
[docs]class PerChannel(Transform): """Transform to apply same transform to each channel of image.""" def __init__( self, keys: Union[str, List, ListConfig], transform: Transform, allow_missing_keys: bool = False, ): """ Parameters ---------- keys: list List of keys to apply transform to transform: Transform Transform to apply to each channel allow_missing_keys: bool Whether to allow missing keys """ super().__init__() self.transform = transform self.keys = keys if isinstance(keys, (list, ListConfig)) else [keys] self.allow_missing_keys = allow_missing_keys def __call__(self, img_dict): new_im_dict = copy.deepcopy(img_dict) for key in self.keys: if key not in new_im_dict and not self.allow_missing_keys: raise KeyError( f"Key {key} not found in image dictionary. Available keys are {list(new_im_dict.keys())}" ) for i in range(new_im_dict[key].shape[0]): new_im_dict[key][i] = self.transform(new_im_dict[key][i]) return new_im_dict
[docs]class CropResize(RandomizableTransform): def __init__( self, keys: Union[str, List, ListConfig], max_shift=8, allow_missing_keys: bool = False ): """ Parameters ---------- keys: list List of keys to apply transform to max_shift: int Maximum number of pixels to shift image by before resizing allow_missing_keys: bool Whether to allow missing keys """ super().__init__() self.keys = keys if isinstance(keys, (list, ListConfig)) else [keys] self.max_shift = max_shift self.allow_missing_keys = allow_missing_keys def __call__(self, img_dict): new_im_dict = copy.deepcopy(img_dict) for key in self.keys: if key not in new_im_dict and not self.allow_missing_keys: raise KeyError( f"Key {key} not found in image dictionary. Available keys are {list(new_im_dict.keys())}" ) resizer = Resize(new_im_dict[key].shape[-2:]) resized_movie = [] for im in new_im_dict[key]: shift = self.R.randint(0, self.max_shift, size=4) im = im[shift[0] : im.shape[0] - shift[1], shift[2] : im.shape[1] - shift[3]] im = resizer(im.unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0) resized_movie.append(im) new_im_dict[key] = torch.stack(resized_movie) return new_im_dict
[docs]class SplitTrackd(Transform): def __init__(self, img_key: str = "img", label_key: str = "label"): """ Parameters ---------- img_key: str Key with image label_key: str Key with label """ super().__init__() self.img_key = img_key self.label_key = label_key def __call__(self, img_dict): return [ {self.img_key: img.unsqueeze(0), self.label_key: label} for img, label in zip(img_dict[self.img_key], img_dict[self.label_key]) ]