Source code for cyto_dl.image.transforms.bright_sampler

import numpy as np
from omegaconf import ListConfig

[docs]class BrightSampler: """Class to decide whether to sample a given patch based on its mean intensity + a background sampling rate.""" def __init__(self, keys: str, threshold: float, base_prob: float, ch: int = 0): """ Parameters ---------- key: str name of image to be examined threshold: float threshold for selecting patch base_prob: background probabiliy of selecting a patch ch: channel from image to check against threshold """ self.keys = keys if isinstance(keys, (list, ListConfig)) else [keys] self.threshold = threshold self.base_prob = base_prob = ch def __call__(self, patch): for key in self.keys: if key in patch.keys(): break else: raise ValueError( f"None of keys {self.keys} found in data. Available keys are {patch.keys()}" ) return patch[key][].float().mean() > self.threshold or np.random.choice( [False, True], p=[1 - self.base_prob, self.base_prob] )