import re
from typing import List
import numpy as np
from bioio import BioImage
from import MetaTensor
from monai.transforms import Transform
from cyto_dl.utils.arg_checking import get_dtype
[docs]class BioIOImageLoaderd(Transform):
"""Enumerates scenes and timepoints for dictionary with format.
{path_key: path, channel_key: channel, scene_key: scene, timepoint_key: timepoint}.
Differs from monai_bio_reader in that reading kwargs are passed in the dictionary, instead of fixed at
initialization. The filepath will be saved in the dictionary as 'filename_or_obj' (with or without metadata depending on `include_meta_in_filename`).
def __init__(
path_key: str = "path",
scene_key: str = "scene",
resolution_key: str = "resolution",
kwargs_keys: List[str] = ["dimension_order_out", "C", "T"],
out_key: str = "raw",
dtype: np.dtype = np.float16,
dask_load: bool = True,
include_meta_in_filename: bool = False,
path_key : str = "path"
Key for the path to the image
scene_key : str = "scene"
Key for the scene number
kwargs_keys : List = ["dimension_order_out", "C", "T"]
Keys for the kwargs to pass to BioImage.get_image_dask_data. Values in the csv can be comma separated list.
out_key : str = "raw"
Key for the output image
allow_missing_keys : bool = False
Whether to allow missing keys in the data dictionary
dtype : np.dtype = np.float16
Data type to cast the image to
dask_load: bool = True
Whether to use dask to load images. If False, full images are loaded into memory before extracting specified scenes/timepoints.
include_meta_in_filename: bool = False
Whether to include metadata in the filename. Useful when loading multi-dimensional images with different kwargs.
self.path_key = path_key
self.kwargs_keys = kwargs_keys
self.allow_missing_keys = allow_missing_keys
self.out_key = out_key
self.resolution_key = resolution_key
self.scene_key = scene_key
self.dtype = get_dtype(dtype)
self.dask_load = dask_load
self.include_meta_in_filename = include_meta_in_filename
[docs] def split_args(self, arg):
if isinstance(arg, str) and "," in arg:
return list(map(int, arg.split(",")))
return arg
def _get_filename(self, path, kwargs):
if self.include_meta_in_filename:
path = path.split(".")[0] + "_" + "_".join([f"{k}_{v}" for k, v in kwargs.items()])
# remove illegal characters from filename
path = re.sub(r'[<>:"|?*]', "", path)
return path
def __call__(self, data):
# copying prevents the dataset from being modified inplace - important when using partially cached datasets so that the memory use doesn't increase over time
data = data.copy()
if self.path_key not in data and not self.allow_missing_keys:
raise KeyError(f"Missing key {self.path_key} in data dictionary")
path = data[self.path_key]
img = BioImage(path)
if self.scene_key in data:
if self.resolution_key in data:
kwargs = {k: self.split_args(data[k]) for k in self.kwargs_keys if k in data}
if self.dask_load:
img = img.get_image_dask_data(**kwargs).compute()
img = img.get_image_data(**kwargs)
img = img.astype(self.dtype)
if self.scene_key in data:
kwargs["scene"] = data[self.scene_key]
kwargs.update({"filename_or_obj": self._get_filename(path, kwargs)})
data[self.out_key] = MetaTensor(img, meta=kwargs)
return data