Source code for cyto_dl.datamodules.dataframe.dataframe_datamodule

from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from lightning import LightningDataModule
from lightning.pytorch.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException
from import DataLoader
from upath import UPath as Path

from .utils import (

[docs]class DataframeDatamodule(LightningDataModule): """A pytorch lightning datamodule based on dataframes. It can either use a single dataframe file, which contains a column based on which a train- val- test split can be made; or it can use three dataframe files, one for each fold (train, val, test). Additionally, if it is only going to be used for prediction/testing, a flag `just_inference` can be set to True so the splits are ignored and the whole dataset is used. The `predict_datamodule` is simply constructed from the whole dataset, regardless of the value of `just_inference`. """ def __init__( self, path: Union[Path, str], transforms: Dict, split_column: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, split_map: Optional[Dict] = None, just_inference: bool = False, cache_dir: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, subsample: Optional[Dict] = None, refresh_subsample: bool = False, seed: int = 42, smartcache_args: Optional[Dict] = None, **dataloader_kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- path: Union[Path, str] Path to a dataframe file transforms: Dict Transforms specifications for each given split. split_column: Optional[str] = None Name of a column in the dataset which can be used to create train, val, test splits. columns: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None List of columns to load from the dataset, in case it's a parquet file. If None, load everything. split_map: Optional[Dict] = None TODO: document this argument just_inference: bool = False Whether this datamodule will be used for just inference (testing/prediction). If so, the splits are ignored and the whole dataset is used. cache_dir: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None Path to a directory in which to store cached transformed inputs, to accelerate batch loading. subsample: Optional[Dict] = None Dictionary with a key per split ("train", "val", "test"), and the number of samples of each split to use per epoch. If `None` (default), use all the samples in each split per epoch. refresh_subsample: bool = False Whether to refresh subsample each time dataloader is called seed: int = 42 random seed smartcache_args: Optional[Dict] = None Arguments to pass to SmartcacheDataset dataloader_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the class when instantiating it (aside from `shuffle` which is only used for the train dataloader). Among these args are `num_workers`, `batch_size`, `shuffle`, etc. See the PyTorch docs for more info on these args: """ super().__init__() torch.manual_seed(seed) self.seed = seed self.path = path self.cache_dir = cache_dir # if only one loader is specified, the same transforms are # used for all folds transforms = parse_transforms(transforms) path = Path(path) # if path is a directory, we assume it is a directory containing multiple # dataframes - one per split. otherwise, we assume it is the path to a single # dataframe file, which is expected to have a if path.is_dir(): self.datasets = make_multiple_dataframe_splits( path, transforms, columns, just_inference, cache_dir, smartcache_args=smartcache_args, ) elif path.is_file(): if split_column is None and not just_inference: raise MisconfigurationException( "When using a single dataframe file, it must have a " "split column, to use for train-val-test splitting." ) self.datasets = make_single_dataframe_splits( path, transforms, split_column, columns, just_inference, split_map, cache_dir, smartcache_args=smartcache_args, ) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find specified dataframe path {path}") self.just_inference = just_inference self.dataloader_kwargs = dataloader_kwargs self.dataloaders = {} self.rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) self.subsample = subsample or {} self.refresh_subsample = refresh_subsample for key in list(self.subsample.keys()): self.subsample[get_canonical_split_name(key)] = self.subsample[key]
[docs] def get_dataset(self, split): sample_size = self.subsample.get(split, -1) # always return a Subset sample = range(len(self.datasets[split])) if sample_size != -1: sample = self.rng.integers(len(self.datasets[split]), size=sample_size).tolist() # this doesn't affect performance because it returns a Subset, # which loads from the underlying dataset lazily return self.datasets[split][sample]
[docs] def make_dataloader(self, split): kwargs = dict(**self.dataloader_kwargs) kwargs["shuffle"] = kwargs.get("shuffle", True) and split == "train" subset = self.get_dataset(split) return DataLoader(dataset=subset, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_dataloader(self, split): sample_size = self.subsample.get(split, -1) if (split not in self.dataloaders) or (sample_size != -1 and self.refresh_subsample): # if we want to use a subsample per epoch, we need to remake the # dataloader, to refresh the sample self.dataloaders[split] = self.make_dataloader(split) return self.dataloaders[split]
[docs] def train_dataloader(self): if self.just_inference: raise TypeError( "This datamodule was configured with `just_inference=True`, " "so it doesn't have a train_dataloader and can't be " "used for training." ) return self.get_dataloader("train")
[docs] def val_dataloader(self): if self.just_inference: raise TypeError( "This datamodule was configured with `just_inference=True`, " "so it doesn't have a val_dataloader and can't be " "used for training." ) return self.get_dataloader("val")
[docs] def test_dataloader(self): split = "predict" if self.just_inference else "test" return self.get_dataloader(split)
[docs] def predict_dataloader(self): return self.get_dataloader("predict")