Source code for cyto_dl.dataframe.transforms.split

from typing import Optional

import pandas as pd

[docs]def split_dataframe( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, train_frac: float, val_frac: Optional[float] = None, return_splits: bool = True, seed: int = 42, ): """Given a pandas dataframe, perform a train-val-test split and either return three different dataframes, or append a column identifying the split each row belongs to. TODO: extend this to enable balanced / stratified splitting Parameters ---------- dataframe: pd.DataFrame Input dataframe train_frac: float Fraction of data to use for training. Must be <= 1 val_frac: Optional[float] Fraction of data to use for validation. By default, the data not used for training is split in half between validation and test return_splits: bool = True Whether to return the three splits separately, or to append a column to the existing dataframe and return the modified dataframe seed: int = 42 Random seed for reproducibility """ # import here to optimize CLIs / Fire usage from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split train_ix, val_test_ix = train_test_split( dataframe.index.tolist(), train_size=train_frac, random_state=seed ) if val_frac is not None: val_frac = val_frac / (1 - train_frac) else: # by default use same size for val and test val_frac = 0.5 val_ix, test_ix = train_test_split(val_test_ix, train_size=val_frac, random_state=seed) if return_splits: return dict( train=dataframe.loc[train_ix], valid=dataframe.loc[val_ix], test=dataframe.loc[test_ix], ) dataframe.loc[train_ix, "split"] = "train" dataframe.loc[val_ix, "split"] = "valid" dataframe.loc[test_ix, "split"] = "test" return dataframe
[docs]def sample_n_each( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, column: str, number: int = 1, force: bool = False, seed: int = 42, ): """Transform a dataframe to have equal number of rows per value of `column`. In case a given value of `column` has less than `number` corresponding rows: - if `force` is True the corresponding rows are sampled with replacement - if `force` is False all the rows are given for that value Parameters ---------- dataframe: pd.DataFrame Input dataframe column: str The column to be used for selection number: int Number of rows to include per unique value of `column` force: bool = False Toggle upsampling of classes with number of samples smaller than `number` seed: int Random seed used for sampling """ values = dataframe[column].unique() subsets = [] for value in values: class_rows = dataframe[dataframe[column] == value] if force or (len(class_rows) >= number): subsets.append( class_rows.sample( number, random_state=seed, # only sample with replacement if there # aren't enough data points in this class replace=(len(class_rows) < number), ) ) else: subsets.append(class_rows.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed)) return pd.concat(subsets)