Source code for cyto_dl.dataframe.transforms.misc

from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def append_one_hot(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, column: str): """Modifies its argument by appending the one hot encoding columns into the given dataframe. Calls function one_hot_encoding. Parameters ----------- dataframe: pd.DataFrame Input dataframe column: str Column to convert into one hot encoding """ # import here to optimize CLIs / Fire usage from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder one_hot = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False).fit_transform(dataframe[[column]]) for idx in range(one_hot.shape[1]): dataframe[f"{column}_one_hot_{idx}"] = one_hot[:, idx] return dataframe
[docs]def append_labels_to_integers(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, column: str): """Modifies its argument by appending the integer-encoded values of `column` into the given dataframe. Parameters ----------- dataframe: pd.DataFrame Input dataframe column: str Column to convert into one hot encoding """ # import here to optimize CLIs / Fire usage from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder dataframe[f"{column}_integer"] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(dataframe[[column]]) return dataframe
[docs]def append_class_weights(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, column: str): """Add class weights (based on `column`) to a dataframe. Parameters ----------- dataframe: pd.DataFrame Input dataframe column: str Column to base the weights on """ labels_unique, counts = np.unique(dataframe[column], return_counts=True) class_weights = [sum(counts) / c for c in counts] class_weights_dict = dict(zip(labels_unique, class_weights)) weights = [class_weights_dict[e] for e in dataframe[column]] dataframe[f"{column}_class_weights"] = weights return dataframe
[docs]def make_random_df(columns: Sequence[str] = list("ABCD"), n_rows: int = 100): """Generate a random dataframe. Useful to test data wrangling pipelines. Parameters ---------- columns: Sequence[str] = ["A","B","C","D"] List of columns to add to the random dataframe. If none are provided, a dataframe with columns ["A","B","C","D"] is created n_rows: int = 100 Number of rows to create for the random dataframe """ data = np.random.randn(n_rows, len(columns)) return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)