Source code for cyto_dl.dataframe.transforms.group_cols

from import MutableMapping
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from monai.transforms import Transform

from . import filter_columns

[docs]class GroupCols(Transform): def __init__( self, groups: Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, Dict]]], dtypes: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, np.dtype, type]]]] = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- groups: Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, Dict]]] Dictionary where keys are column group names (which become batch keys) and values are either: - a dictionary containing the kwargs to be used in a col to `filter_cols` - a string, to use a single column in that group - `None`, to use a single column, with the same name as the key dtypes: Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, np.dtype]]], Dictionary where keys are column group names (as in `groups`), and values are either: - a numpy dtype or python type - a string recognize by `np.dtype` that can be turned into a dtype - `None` in which case the dtype of the group remains as-is """ super().__init__() self.groups = groups self.dtypes = dtypes or {} def _make_group(self, k, v, row): if not isinstance(v, (str, MutableMapping)) and v is not None: raise TypeError( f"Values in `groups` must be either `str`, " f"`MutableMapping` (e.g. `dict`), or `None`. " f"Got {type(v)}" ) if v is None: return row[k] if isinstance(v, str): return row[v] return filter_columns(row, **v) def __call__(self, row): res = {} for k, v in self.groups.items(): if v is None: res[k] = row[k] elif isinstance(v, str): res[k] = row[v] elif isinstance(v, MutableMapping): res[k] = filter_columns(row, **v) else: raise TypeError( f"Values in `groups` must be either `str`, " f"`MutableMapping` (e.g. `dict`), or `None`. " f"Got `{type(v)}` for key '{k}'" ) _dtype = self.dtypes.get(k) if _dtype is not None: if isinstance(_dtype, str): _dtype = np.dtype(_dtype) if isinstance(_dtype, np.dtype): _dtype = _dtype.type if not isinstance(_dtype, type): raise TypeError( f"Values in `dtypes` must be either `str`, " f"`np.dtype`, `type` or `None`. " f"Got `{type(_dtype)}` for key '{k}'" ) res[k] = _dtype(res[k]) return res