Source code for cyto_dl.callbacks.image_saver

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union

from bioio.writers import OmeTiffWriter
from lightning.pytorch.callbacks import Callback

VALID_STAGES = ("train", "val", "test", "predict")

[docs]class ImageSaver(Callback): def __init__( self, save_dir: Union[str, Path], save_every_n_epochs: int = 1, stages: List[str] = ["train", "val"], save_input: bool = False, ): """Callback for saving images after postprocessing by eads. Parameters ---------- save_dir: Union[str, Path] Directory to save images save_every_n_epochs:int=1 Frequency to save images stages:List[str]=["train", "val"] Stages to save images save_input:bool =False Whether to save input images """ self.save_dir = Path(save_dir) for stage in stages: assert stage in VALID_STAGES, f"Invalid stage {stage}, must be one of {VALID_STAGES}" self.save_every_n_epochs = save_every_n_epochs self.stages = stages self.save_keys = ["pred", "target"] if save_input: self.save_keys.append("input") def _save(self, fn, data): fn.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True), data=data)
[docs] def on_predict_batch_end( self, trainer, pl_module, outputs, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0 ): if "predict" in self.stages: io_map, outputs = outputs if outputs is None: # image has already been saved return for i, head_io_map in enumerate(io_map.values()): for k, save_path in head_io_map.items(): self._save(save_path, outputs[k]["pred"][i])
# train/test/val
[docs] def save(self, outputs, stage=None, step=None): for k in self.save_keys: for head in outputs[k]: self._save( self.save_dir / f"{stage}_images/{step}_{head}_{k}.tif", outputs[k][head] )
[docs] def on_test_batch_end(self, trainer, pl_module, outputs, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0): if "test" in self.stages: # save all test outputs, "test", trainer.global_step)
def _should_save(self, batch_idx, epoch): return batch_idx == (epoch + 1) % self.save_every_n_epochs == 0
[docs] def on_train_batch_end(self, trainer, pl_module, outputs, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0): if "train" in self.stages and self._should_save(batch_idx, trainer.current_epoch):, "train", trainer.global_step)
[docs] def on_validation_batch_end( self, trainer, pl_module, outputs, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0 ): if "val" in self.stages and self._should_save(batch_idx, trainer.current_epoch):, "val", trainer.global_step)