Source code for cyto_dl.api.model

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Union

import pyrootutils
from hydra import compose, initialize_config_dir
from hydra.core.global_hydra import GlobalHydra
from omegaconf import OmegaConf, open_dict

from import ExperimentType
from cyto_dl.eval import evaluate
from cyto_dl.train import train as train_model
from cyto_dl.utils.download_test_data import download_test_data
from cyto_dl.utils.rich_utils import print_config_tree

[docs]class CytoDLModel: # TODO: add optional CytoDLConfig param to init--if client passes a # CytoDLConfig subtype, config will be initialized in constructor and # calls to train/predict can be run immediately def __init__(self): self.cfg = None self._training = False self._predicting = False self.root = pyrootutils.setup_root( search_from=__file__, project_root_env_var=True, dotenv=True, pythonpath=True, cwd=False, # do NOT change working directory to root (would cause problems in DDP mode) indicator=("pyproject.toml", ""), )
[docs] def download_example_data(self): download_test_data()
[docs] def load_config_from_file(self, config_path: str): """Load configuration file.""" config_path = Path(config_path) assert config_path.exists(), f"config file {config_path} does not exist" assert config_path.suffix == ".yaml", f"config file {config_path} must be a yaml file" # load config self.cfg = OmegaConf.load(config_path)
[docs] def load_config_from_dict(self, config: dict): """Load configuration from dictionary.""" self.cfg = config
# TODO: replace experiment_type str with -> will # require corresponding changes in ml-segmenter
[docs] def load_default_experiment( self, experiment_type: str, output_dir: str, train=True, overrides: List = [] ): """Load configuration from directory.""" assert experiment_type in {exp_type.value for exp_type in ExperimentType} config_dir = self.root / "configs" GlobalHydra.instance().clear() with initialize_config_dir(version_base="1.2", config_dir=str(config_dir)): cfg = compose( config_name="train.yaml" if train else "eval.yaml", return_hydra_config=True, overrides=[f"experiment=im2im/{experiment_type}"] + overrides, ) with open_dict(cfg): del cfg["hydra"] cfg.extras.enforce_tags = False cfg.extras.print_config = False cfg["paths"]["output_dir"] = output_dir cfg["paths"]["work_dir"] = output_dir output_dir = Path(output_dir) output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def print_config(self): print_config_tree(self.cfg, resolve=True)
[docs] def override_config(self, overrides: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]): """Override configuration from list of overrides.""" if self.cfg is None: raise ValueError("Configuration must be loaded before overriding!") for k, v in overrides.items(): OmegaConf.update(self.cfg, k, v)
[docs] def save_config(self, path: Path) -> None: """Save current config to provided path. :param path: path at which to save config """, path)
async def _train_async(self): return train_model(self.cfg) async def _predict_async(self): return evaluate(self.cfg)
[docs] def train(self, run_async=False, data=None): if self.cfg is None: raise ValueError("Configuration must be loaded before training!") if run_async: return self._train_async() return train_model(self.cfg, data)
[docs] def predict(self, run_async=False, data=None): if self.cfg is None: raise ValueError("Configuration must be loaded before predicting!") if run_async: return self._predict_async() return evaluate(self.cfg, data)