aicsimageprocessing package



aicsimageprocessing.alignMajor module

aicsimageprocessing.alignMajor.align_major(images, angles, reshape=True)[source]

Rotates images based on the angles passed in

  • images – Either a single image or a list of them. Must be at least 3d numpy arrays, ordered as TCZYX

  • angles – The tuple returned by get_align_angles. Tells the function how to rotate the images

  • reshape – boolean. If True, the output will be resized to ensure that no data from img is lost. If False, the output will be the same size as the input, with potential to lose data that lies outside of the input shape after rotation. Default is True


  • If a single image was passed in, it will will return a rotated copy of that image.

  • If a list was passed in, it will return a list of rotated images in the same order

  • that they were passed in

aicsimageprocessing.alignMajor.angle_between(v1, v2)[source]

Finds angle between two 2d vectors

  • v1 – first vector as a numpy array

  • v2 – second vector as a numpy array


Return type

angle between v1 and v2 in degrees

aicsimageprocessing.alignMajor.get_align_angles(img, axes='zyx')[source]

Returns the angles needed to rotate an image to align it with the specified axes

  • img – A CZYX image as a 4d numpy array. The image that will be measured to get the alignment angles. The image will not be altered by this function

  • axes – string, that must be an arrangement of ‘xyz’ The major axis will be aligned with the first one, the minor with the last one. ‘zyx’ by default


  • A list of tuple pairs, containing the axis indices and angles to rotate along the

  • paired axis. Meant to be passed into align_major


Finds the major and minor axis as 3d vectors of the passed in image


img – CZYX numpy array


  • Tuple containing two numpy arrays representing the major and minor axis as 3d

  • vectors


Return unit vector of v


v – vector as numpy array


Return type

unit vector of same length as v

aicsimageprocessing.backgroundCrop module

aicsimageprocessing.backgroundCrop.crop(img, bg_val=0, axis=(-3, -2, -1), padding=0, get_slices=False)[source]

Crops an image to remove the background color bg_val along arbitrary axis

  • img – numpy array to crop

  • bg_val – value to crop out. Default is 0

  • axis – tuple or list of axis indices to crop along. Can be either positive or negative values. Negative values will be from the end of the array as opposed to the start. By default, it crops along the last three axes

  • padding – integer. Specifies how much of the background value to leave in the output. Will be applied on all axis that are being cropped

  • get_slices – boolean. If True, will return the slice indices that were taken out of the original image along with the cropped image. Default is False


  • either the cropped numpy array, or a tuple containing the cropped array and a tuple

  • of slices taken out of the original data

aicsimageprocessing.backgroundCrop.get_edges(img, bg_val=0, axis=(-3, -2, -1))[source]

Returns the indices of the edges of the structure in the image

  • img – CZYX image as a 4d numpy array

  • bg_val – value to use for background

  • axis – axis to get the edges for. Output length will be equal to axis length. Default is the last three axis


  • tuple of the same length as axis parameter. Contains lists the contain the left and

  • right edges for each axis specified.

aicsimageprocessing.backgroundSub module

aicsimageprocessing.backgroundSub.background_sub(img, mask=None, method='mean')[source]

Performs background subtraction on image using chosen method with optional mask

  • img – numpy array, image to perform subtraction on

  • mask – numpy mask, subtraction is calculated and performed on the area specified by the mask i.e. the mask should specify the background of the image

  • method – string, selects the subtraction method to use. Default is ‘mean’. Options are: mean, median, common.


Return type

numpy array, copy of input image with background subtracted out

aicsimageprocessing.crop_img module


aicsimageprocessing.flip module

aicsimageprocessing.flip.flip(images, flips)[source]

Flips images based on the calculations from get_flips()

  • images – Either a single n-dimensional image as a numpy array or a list of them. The images to flip

  • flips – The output from get_flips(), tells the function which axes to flip the images along. All images will be flipped the same way


  • Either a single flipped copy of the input image, or a list of them in the same

  • order that they were passed in, depending on whether the ‘images’ parameter was a

  • single picture or a list

aicsimageprocessing.flip.get_flips(img, sec, axes=(-3, -2, -1))[source]

Calculates which axes to flip in order to have the center of mass of the image be located in the desired sector. Meant to be passed to flip()

  • img – image as an n-dimensional numpy array to perform the calculations on. The image will not be modified by this function

  • sec – String containing ‘+’ and ‘-’, same length as ‘axes’. Tells the function which side of each axis the center of mass should be on, ‘+’ meaning the upper half and ‘-’ meaning the lower half

    >>> get_flips(img, "++-", axes=(-3, -2, -1))
    This, for example, would mean to have the center of mass be on the upper half
    of the z axis (index -3 for a CZYX image), the upper half of the y axis, and
    the lower half of the x axis
  • axes – List or tuple of integers, specifies which axes to calculate the needed flips for. Default is the last three axes, meant to be the 3 spatial dimensions for a ZYX, CZYX, or TCZYX image. Must be the same length as ‘sec’ parameter


  • A list of integers, representing the indices of the axes to flip the image along

  • Should be passed to flip()

aicsimageprocessing.imgCenter module, moves, fill=0)[source]

Aligns images based on the center of mass.

  • images – Either an n-dimensional image as a numpy array or a list of them. All images must be the same shape

  • moves – List of integers, returned from a previous call to get_center_moves. Tells the function how to center the images

  • fill – Value to use when adding padding. Default is 0


  • If a single image was passed in, will return a centered copy of the input. If a

  • list was passed in, it will return a list of centered images in the same order that

  • they were passed in

aicsimageprocessing.imgCenter.crop_all(images, axis=(-3, -2, -1))[source]

Crop all images by the same amount. The amount to crop will be calculated so that an equal amount is removed on both sides of each axis to keep the center of mass in the center

  • images – List of images to crop. The images can be any shape or dimensionality but must all have the same shape

  • axis – List of axis to crop along. Default is the last three axis (meant to correspond to ZYX)


Return type

List of cropped images, in the same order as they were passed in

aicsimageprocessing.imgCenter.get_center_moves(image, axes=(-3, -2, -1))[source]

Calculates moves needed to center an image based on its center of mass. Meant to be passed in to center_image

  • image – N-dimensional image to be used for calculation. The image will not be altered

  • axis – Iterable containing the axis to center the image on. Order does not affect the output. Default is the last three axis (meant to be ZYX). Can be positive or negative to index from the front or back


Return type

List of integers, meant to be passed to center_image

aicsimageprocessing.imgToCoords module

aicsimageprocessing.imgToCoords.cart2sph(x, y, z, degrees_or_radians='radians')[source]
aicsimageprocessing.imgToCoords.img_to_coords(im_cell, im_nuc, major_angle_object='cell')[source]

Return unit vector of v

  • im_cell – zyx binary image of a cell shape

  • im_nuc – zyx binary image of a nuclear shape

  • major_angle_object – string that specifies from which object the major angle is determined can be ‘cell’ or ‘nuc’


  • im_ratio – channels corresponding to ratio image (1 at cell boundary, 0 on nuclear boundary, -1 inside nucleus)

  • im_th – spherical coordinate system theta (radians)

  • im_phi – spherical coordinate system phi (radians)

  • im_r – radial distance from center of nucleus

  • major_angle – angle of cell or nuclear shape (radians)

aicsimageprocessing.imgToCoords.sph2cart(azimuth, elevation, r, degrees_or_radians='radians')[source]

aicsimageprocessing.imgToProjection module

aicsimageprocessing.imgToProjection.imgtoprojection(im1, proj_all=False, proj_method='max', colors=<function <lambda>>, global_adjust=False, local_adjust=False)[source]

Outputs projections of a 4d CZYX numpy array into a CYX numpy array, allowing for color masks for each input channel as well as adjustment options

  • im1 – Either a 4d numpy array or a list of 3D or 2D numpy arrays. The input that will be projected

  • proj_all – boolean. True outputs XY, YZ, and XZ projections in a grid, False just outputs XY. False by default

  • proj_method – string. Method by which to do projections. ‘Max’ by default

  • colors – Can be either a string which corresponds to a cmap function in matplotlib, a function that takes in the channel index and returns a list of numbers, or a list of lists containing the color multipliers.

  • global_adjust – boolean. If true, scales each color channel to set its max to be 255 after combining all channels. False by default

  • local_adjust – boolean. If true, performs contrast adjustment on each channel individually. False by default


Return type

a CYX numpy array containing the requested projections

aicsimageprocessing.imgToProjection.matproj(im, dim, method='max', slice_index=0)[source]

aicsimageprocessing.imshow module

aicsimageprocessing.imshow.imshow(img, scale=False, proj_method='max', colors=None, cmap='jet')[source]

Helper function to display a CZYX image in a jupyter notebook


img – CZYX numpy array

aicsimageprocessing.isosurfaceGenerator module

class aicsimageprocessing.isosurfaceGenerator.Mesh(verts, faces, normals, values)[source]

Bases: object

A cell mesh class contains the necessary information to generate a display a 3D isosurface.


>>> image = AICSImage("some/bio/image.ome.tif")
... mesh0 = generate_mesh(, isovalue=0, channel=0)
... # will generate a different mesh due to the different isovalue
... mesh1 = generate_mesh(, isovalue=1, channel=0)
... mesh0.save_as_obj("some/bio/image/mesh.obj")
... # mesh.obj can be imported into 3D viewers and represents a 3D rendering of
... # image.ome.tif

Save a mesh object as an .obj file :param file_path: The filepath to the saved file

aicsimageprocessing.isosurfaceGenerator.generate_mesh(image, isovalue=0, channel=0)[source]

Creates and returns a Mesh object

  • image – an AICSImage object

  • isovalue – The value that is used to pick the isosurface returned by the marching cubes algorithm For more info: @ 40:00 mins

  • channel – The channel in the image that is used to extract the isosurface


Return type

A Mesh object

aicsimageprocessing.normalization module

aicsimageprocessing.normalization.mask_normalization(image, mask, method)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.normalization.normalize_channel(img, mask=None, method='img_bg_sub', lower=None, upper=None)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.normalization.normalize_img(img, mask=None, method='img_bg_sub', n_dims=None, lower=None, upper=None, channels=None)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.normalization.rescale(img, lower, upper)[source]

aicsimageprocessing.resize module

aicsimageprocessing.resize.resize(orig, factor, method='nearest')[source]

Scales a numpy array to a new size using a specified scaling method

  • orig – n-dimen numpy array to resize

  • factor – integer, double, or n-tuple to scale orig by

  • method – string, interpolation method to use when resizing. Options are “nearest”, “bilinear”, and “cubic”. Default is “nearest”


Return type

n-dimen numpy array

aicsimageprocessing.resize.resize_to(orig, out_size, method='nearest')[source]

Scales a numpy array to fit within a specified output size

  • orig – n-dimen numpy array to resize

  • out_size – n-tuple, will be the shape of the output array.

  • method – string, interpolation method to use when resizing. Options are “nearest”, “bilinear”, and “cubic”. Default is “nearest”


Return type

n-dimen numpy array

aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment module

aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment.cell_rigid_deregistration(img, flipdim_orig, angle_orig, com_orig, imsize_orig, ch_crop=1, ch_com=0)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment.cell_rigid_registration(img, ch_crop=1, ch_angle=1, ch_com=0, ch_flipdim=1, bbox_size=None, align_image=True)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment.crop_img(img, method='tight')[source]
aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment.flipdims(img, flipdim)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment.get_channel(img, channel)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment.get_major_angle(img, degrees_or_radians='degrees')[source]
aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment.get_rigid_reg_stats(img, com_method='nuc')[source]
aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment.pad_to_com(img, pad_dims)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment.pad_to_position(img, ch_crop, ch_com, com_target, imsize_target)[source]

aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator module

aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator.combine_mask_sdf(Amask, Bmask)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator.combine_sdf(A, Amask, B, Bmask)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator.make_vtkpolydata(verts, faces, normals)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator.obj_to_sdf(filepath, volume_res)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator.save_mesh(outpath, points, faces, normals=None)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator.save_mesh_vtk(outpath, vtkpolydata)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator.save_sdf(outpath, im)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator.volume_to_obj(im, isovalue, outpath, method=0)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.sdfGenerator.volume_to_sdf(im, isovalue=0, method=0)[source]

aicsimageprocessing.textureAtlas module

class aicsimageprocessing.textureAtlas.TextureAtlas(aics_image, pack_order, dims, t=0)[source]

Bases: object

generate_atlas(dims, t)[source]
class aicsimageprocessing.textureAtlas.TextureAtlasDims[source]

Bases: object

class aicsimageprocessing.textureAtlas.TextureAtlasGroup(aics_image, t=0, name='texture_atlas', pack_order=None, max_edge=2048)[source]

Bases: object

save(output_dir, name=None, user_data=None)[source]

Saves a TextureAtlasGroup into one json file and 1 to many png files. Files are named with formats name+’_atlas.json’ and name+’_atlas_N.png’

  • output_dir – directory in which to write the files

  • name – if not supplied, then use the name given when creating the TextureAtlasGroup

  • user_data – optional dictionary of additional data to add to json file; to be used by client application

aicsimageprocessing.textureAtlas.generate_texture_atlas(im, name='texture_atlas', max_edge=2048, pack_order=None, t=0)[source]

Creates a TextureAtlasGroup object

  • im – aicsImage object

  • name – will be stored in metadata and used at save time if no name is supplied at that time

  • max_edge – this designates the largest side in the texture atlas

  • pack_order – a 2d list that contains what channel in the image should be saved to the RGBA values in the final png. for example, a 7 channel image might be saved like [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]] where the first texture atlas will code channel 0 as r, channel 1 as g, and so on.

  • t – time index, zero by default.


Return type

TextureAtlasGroup object

aicsimageprocessing.thumbnailGenerator module

class aicsimageprocessing.thumbnailGenerator.ThumbnailGenerator(colors: Sequence[Tuple[float, float, float]] = ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)), size: int = 128, channel_indices: Sequence[int] = None, channel_thresholds: Sequence[float] = None, channel_multipliers: Sequence[int] = None, mask_channel_index: int = 5, letterbox: bool = True, projection: str = 'max', projection_sections: int = 3, return_rgb: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

This class is used to generate thumbnails for 4D CZYX images.


>>> generator = ThumbnailGenerator()
... for image in image_array:
...     thumbnail = generator.make_thumbnail(image)
  • colors – The color palette that will be used to color each channel. The default palette colors are magenta=membrane, nucleus=cyan, structure=yellow. Keep color-blind accessibility in mind.

  • size – This constrains the image to have the X or Y dims max out at this value, but keep the original aspect ratio of the image.

  • channel_indices – An array of channel indices to represent the three main channels of the cell

  • mask_channel_index – The index for the segmentation channel in image that will be used to mask the thumbnail

  • projection – The method that will be used to generate each channel’s projection. This is done for each pixel, through the z-axis Options: [“max”, “slice”, “sections”] - max will look through each z-slice, and determine the max value for each pixel - slice will take the pixel values from the middle slice of the z-stack - sections will split the zstack into projection_sections number of sections, and take a max projection for each.

  • projection_sections – The number of sections that will be used to determine projections, if projection=”sections”

  • return_rgb – Return an array that has been clipped and cast as uint8 to make it RGB compatible. Setting this to False will return the float array that is (generally) bounded between 0 and 1.

make_thumbnail(image: numpy.ndarray, apply_cell_mask: bool = False) → numpy.ndarray[source]

This method is the primary interface with the ThumbnailGenerator. It can be used many times with different images in order to save the configuration that was specified at the beginning of the generator.

  • image – ZCYX image that is the source of the thumbnail

  • apply_cell_mask – boolean value that designates whether the image is a fullfield or segmented cell False -> fullfield, True -> segmented cell


Return type

a CYX image, scaled down to the size designated in the constructor

aicsimageprocessing.thumbnailGenerator.create_projection(image: numpy.ndarray, axis: int, method: str = 'max', slice_index: int = 0, sections: int = 3)[source]

This function creates a 2D projection out of an n-dimensional image.

  • image – ZCYX array

  • axis – the axis that the projection should be performed along

  • method – the method that will be used to create the projection Options: [“max”, “mean”, “sum”, “slice”, “sections”] - max will look through each axis-slice, and determine the max value for each pixel - mean will look through each axis-slice, and determine the mean value for each pixel - sum will look through each axis-slice, and sum all pixels together - slice will take the pixel values from the middle slice of the stack - sections will split the stack into sections number of sections, and take a max projection for each.

  • slice_index – index to use for the ‘slice’ projection method

  • sections – number of sections to select and max-intensity project for the ‘sections’ projection method


Return type

The 2D image projection

aicsimageprocessing.thumbnailGenerator.make_one_thumbnail(infile: str, outfile: str, channels: List[int], colors: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], size: int, projection: str = 'max', axis: int = 2, apply_mask: bool = False, mask_channel: int = 0, label: str = '', t: int = 0)[source]
aicsimageprocessing.thumbnailGenerator.resize_cyx_image(image, new_size)[source]

This function resizes a CYX image.

  • image – CYX ndarray

  • new_size – tuple of shape of desired image dimensions in CYX


Return type

image with shape of new_size

aicsimageprocessing.thumbnailGenerator.subtract_noise_floor(image, bins=256)[source]

aicsimageprocessing.transformation module


Module contents

Top-level package for aicsimageprocessing.
