Source code for aicsimageprocessing.rigidAlignment

import numpy as np
import scipy
import sklearn.decomposition

from .alignMajor import align_major, angle_between

# img - a CYXZ numpy array, channel order is generally [DNA, NUCLEUS, ... ]

[docs]def cell_rigid_registration( img, ch_crop=1, ch_angle=1, ch_com=0, ch_flipdim=1, bbox_size=None, align_image=True, ): # If bbox_size is not None ch_crop is ignored angle = None if align_image: # rotate angle = get_major_angle(get_channel(img, ch_angle)) angle = [[i, -j] for i, j in angle] _, croprange = crop_img(get_channel(img, ch_crop), method="bigger") img = img[croprange] img = align_major(img, angle) com = np.floor(get_center_of_mass(get_channel(img, ch_com)) + 0.5) # make sure we symmetrically crop around the COM if bbox_size is None: _, croprange = crop_img(get_channel(img, ch_crop)) ranges = np.array([[s.start, s.stop] for s in croprange]) padranges = (com[1:] - ranges[1:, 1]) - (ranges[1:, 0] - com[1:]) pad_pre = np.abs(padranges * (padranges < 0)).astype(int) pad_post = np.abs(padranges * (padranges > 0)).astype(int) ranges[1:, 0] -= pad_pre ranges[1:, 1] += pad_post else: bbox_size = np.array(bbox_size) pad_size = bbox_size / 2 ranges = np.transpose(np.vstack([com - pad_size, com + pad_size])) ranges = np.floor(ranges + 0.5).astype(int).astype(object) ranges[0] = [0, None] pad_pre = np.hstack([0, ranges[1:, 0]]) pad_pre = np.abs(pad_pre * (pad_pre < 0)) pad_post = np.hstack([0, ranges[1:, 1] - np.array(img.shape)[1:]]) pad_post = np.abs(pad_post * (pad_post > 0)) pad_width = np.transpose(np.vstack([pad_pre, pad_post])).astype(int) non_nones = ~np.equal(ranges, None) range_vals = ranges[non_nones] ranges[non_nones] = range_vals * (range_vals > 0) croprange = [slice(s, e) for s, e in ranges] img = img[croprange] img = np.pad(img, pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=0) # flipdim flipdim = None if ch_flipdim is not None: flipdim = get_flipdims(get_channel(img, ch_flipdim)) img = flipdims(img, flipdim) return img, angle, flipdim
[docs]def cell_rigid_deregistration( img, flipdim_orig, angle_orig, com_orig, imsize_orig, ch_crop=1, ch_com=0 ): # deflip the image img = flipdims(img, flipdim_orig) # derotate the image angle = [[i, -j] for i, j in angle_orig] img = align_major(img, angle) # depad the image img = pad_to_position(img, ch_crop, ch_com, com_orig, imsize_orig) return img
[docs]def get_channel(img, channel): return np.expand_dims(img[channel], 0)
[docs]def get_rigid_reg_stats(img, com_method="nuc"): imsize = img.shape com = get_center_of_mass(img, com_method) return imsize, com
[docs]def get_major_angle(img, degrees_or_radians="degrees"): # align on the 2D projection if len(img.shape) == 4: img = np.sum(img, axis=3) pos = np.stack(np.where(img > 0), axis=1) pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA() - np.mean(pos, axis=0)) angles = np.array(pca.components_[0, 1:3]) angle = angle_between(angles, np.array([1, 0])) if angles[1] < 0: angle = 360 - angle if degrees_or_radians == "radians": angle = angle * 0.0174533 return [[int(0), angle]]
[docs]def flipdims(img, flipdim): for flip, i in zip(flipdim, range(len(flipdim))): if flip: img = np.flip(img, i) # dont flip on z for the time being flipdim[-1] = 0 return img
[docs]def get_center_of_mass(img): com = np.mean(np.stack(np.where(img > 0)), axis=1) return com
[docs]def crop_img(img, method="tight"): inds = np.stack(np.where(img > 0)) starts = np.min(inds, axis=1) ends = np.max(inds, axis=1) + 1 if method == "bigger": width = ends - starts starts_tmp = starts - width starts_tmp[starts_tmp < 0] = 0 ends_tmp = ends + width starts[1:3] = starts_tmp[1:3] ends[1:3] = ends_tmp[1:3] starts[-1] = 0 ends[-1] = img.shape[-1] croprange = [slice(s, e) for s, e in zip(starts, ends)] # dont crop the channel dimension croprange[0] = slice(0, None) img_out = img[croprange] return img_out, croprange
[docs]def get_flipdims(img): skew = scipy.stats.skew(np.stack(np.where(img), axis=0), axis=1) skew[-1] = 0 return skew < 0
[docs]def pad_to_position(img, ch_crop, ch_com, com_target, imsize_target): _, croprange_pt2 = crop_img(get_channel(img, ch_crop)) img = img[croprange_pt2] com = get_center_of_mass(get_channel(img, ch_com)) pad_pre = (com_target - (com + 1))[1:] pad_post = (imsize_target - com_target - (np.array(img.shape) - (com + 1)))[1:] pad_width = [[0, 0]] for pre, post in zip(pad_pre, pad_post): pad_width += [[int(np.ceil(pre)), int(np.floor(post))]] img_out = np.pad(img, pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=0) return img_out
# def pad_to_center(img, com): # _, croprange_pt2 = crop_img(get_channel(img, ch_crop)) # img = img[croprange_pt2] # # com = get_center_of_mass(get_channel(img, ch_com)) # # pad_dims = img.shape - (com + 1) - com # # img = pad_to_com(img, pad_dims) # # return img
[docs]def pad_to_com(img, pad_dims): pad_dims = pad_dims.astype(int) # skip the channel dimension pad_width = [[0, 0]] for i in pad_dims[1:]: if i > 0: pad = [[np.abs(i), 0]] else: pad = [[0, np.abs(i)]] pad_width += pad img = np.pad(img, pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=0) return img