Source code for aicsimageprocessing.thumbnailGenerator

#!/usr/bin/env python

# authors: Dan Toloudis
#          Zach Crabtree

import math
import platform
from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import aicsimageio
from aicsimageio.writers.two_d_writer import TwoDWriter
import numpy as np
import skimage.transform
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

COLORS_CMY = ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0))

[docs]def resize_cyx_image(image, new_size): """ This function resizes a CYX image. Parameters ---------- image CYX ndarray new_size tuple of shape of desired image dimensions in CYX Returns ------- image with shape of new_size """ scaling = float(image.shape[1]) / float(new_size[1]) # get the shape of the image that is resized by the scaling factor test_shape = np.ceil(np.divide(image.shape, [1, scaling, scaling])) # sometimes the scaling can be rounded incorrectly and scale the image to # one pixel too high or too low if not np.array_equal(test_shape, new_size): # getting the scaling from the other dimension solves this rounding problem scaling = float(image.shape[2]) / float(new_size[2]) test_shape = np.ceil(np.divide(image.shape, [1, scaling, scaling])) # if neither scaling factors achieve the desired shape, then the aspect ratio # of the image is different than the aspect ratio of new_size if not np.array_equal(test_shape, new_size): raise ValueError( "This image does not have the same aspect ratio as new_size" ) image = image.transpose((2, 1, 0)) if scaling < 1: scaling = 1.0 / scaling im_out = skimage.transform.pyramid_expand( image, upscale=scaling, multichannel=True ) elif scaling > 1: im_out = skimage.transform.pyramid_reduce( image, downscale=scaling, multichannel=True ) else: im_out = image im_out = im_out.transpose((2, 1, 0)) assert im_out.shape == new_size return im_out
[docs]def create_projection( image: np.ndarray, axis: int, method: str = "max", slice_index: int = 0, sections: int = 3, ): """ This function creates a 2D projection out of an n-dimensional image. Parameters ---------- image ZCYX array axis the axis that the projection should be performed along method the method that will be used to create the projection Options: ["max", "mean", "sum", "slice", "sections"] - max will look through each axis-slice, and determine the max value for each pixel - mean will look through each axis-slice, and determine the mean value for each pixel - sum will look through each axis-slice, and sum all pixels together - slice will take the pixel values from the middle slice of the stack - sections will split the stack into `sections` number of sections, and take a max projection for each. slice_index index to use for the 'slice' projection method sections number of sections to select and max-intensity project for the 'sections' projection method Returns ------- The 2D image projection """ if method == "max": image = np.max(image, axis) elif method == "mean": image = np.mean(image, axis) elif method == "sum": image = np.sum(image, axis) elif method == "slice": image = image[slice_index] elif method == "sections": separator = int(math.floor(image.shape[0] / sections)) # stack is a 2D YX im stack = np.zeros(image[0].shape) for i in range(sections - 1): bottom_bound = separator * i top_bound = separator + bottom_bound # TODO: this line assumes the stack is separated through the z-axis, # instead of the designated axis param section = np.max(image[bottom_bound:top_bound], axis) stack += section stack += np.max(image[separator * sections - 1 :]) return stack # returns 2D image, YX return image
[docs]def subtract_noise_floor(image, bins=256): # image is a 3D ZYX image immin = image.min() immax = image.max() hi, bin_edges = np.histogram(image, bins=bins, range=(immin, immax)) # index of tallest peak in histogram peakind = np.argmax(hi) # subtract this out subtracted = image.astype(np.float32) subtracted -= bin_edges[peakind] # don't go negative subtracted[subtracted < 0] = 0 return subtracted
# assumes sizes are c, x, y so the 1 and 2 indices are the x and y def _get_letterbox_bounds(full_size, scaled_size): x0 = (full_size[1] - scaled_size[1]) // 2 x1 = x0 + scaled_size[1] y0 = (full_size[2] - scaled_size[2]) // 2 y1 = y0 + scaled_size[2] return x0, x1, y0, y1
[docs]class ThumbnailGenerator: """ This class is used to generate thumbnails for 4D CZYX images. Examples -------- >>> generator = ThumbnailGenerator() ... for image in image_array: ... thumbnail = generator.make_thumbnail(image) """ def __init__( self, colors: Sequence[Tuple[float, float, float]] = COLORS_CMY, size: int = DEFAULT_SIZE, channel_indices: Sequence[int] = None, channel_thresholds: Sequence[float] = None, channel_multipliers: Sequence[int] = None, mask_channel_index: int = 5, letterbox: bool = True, projection: str = "max", projection_sections: int = 3, return_rgb: bool = True, ): """ Parameters ---------- colors The color palette that will be used to color each channel. The default palette colors are magenta=membrane, nucleus=cyan, structure=yellow. Keep color-blind accessibility in mind. size This constrains the image to have the X or Y dims max out at this value, but keep the original aspect ratio of the image. channel_indices An array of channel indices to represent the three main channels of the cell mask_channel_index The index for the segmentation channel in image that will be used to mask the thumbnail projection The method that will be used to generate each channel's projection. This is done for each pixel, through the z-axis Options: ["max", "slice", "sections"] - max will look through each z-slice, and determine the max value for each pixel - slice will take the pixel values from the middle slice of the z-stack - sections will split the zstack into projection_sections number of sections, and take a max projection for each. projection_sections The number of sections that will be used to determine projections, if projection="sections" return_rgb Return an array that has been clipped and cast as uint8 to make it RGB compatible. Setting this to False will return the float array that is (generally) bounded between 0 and 1. """ if channel_indices is None: channel_indices = [0, 1, 2] if channel_thresholds is None: channel_thresholds = [0.65, 0.65, 0.65] if channel_multipliers is None: channel_multipliers = [1, 1, 1] self.colors = colors self.size = size self.channel_indices = channel_indices self.channel_thresholds = channel_thresholds self.channel_multipliers = channel_multipliers self.mask_channel_index = mask_channel_index self.letterbox = letterbox self.projection = projection self.projection_sections = projection_sections self.return_rgb = return_rgb self._validate_settings() def _validate_settings(self): assert self.projection in ["slice", "max", "sections"] assert len(self.colors) > 0 and all( len(color) == 3 for color in self.colors ), f"Colors {self.colors} are invalid" assert len(self.colors) == len(self.channel_indices), ( f"Colors palette is a different size than the channel indices " f"(len({self.colors}) != len({self.channel_indices}))" ) assert ( min(self.channel_indices) >= 0 ), "Minimum channel index must be greater than or equal to 0" assert len(self.channel_thresholds) >= len(self.channel_indices) assert len(self.channel_multipliers) >= len(self.channel_indices) def _make_thumbnail( self, image: np.ndarray, new_size: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], np.ndarray], output_size_dim: Tuple[int, int, int], apply_cell_mask: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: if apply_cell_mask: shape_out_rgb = new_size # apply the cell segmentation mask. bye bye to data outside the cell num_noise_floor_bins = 32 composite = np.zeros( (shape_out_rgb[0], output_size_dim[1], output_size_dim[2]) ) for i in range(len(self.channel_indices)): ch = self.channel_indices[i] # try to subtract out the noise floor. # range is chosen to ignore zeros due to masking. alternative is to # pass mask image as weights=im1[-1] thumb = subtract_noise_floor(image[:, ch], bins=num_noise_floor_bins) # apply mask thumb = np.multiply(thumb, image[:, self.mask_channel_index] > 0) # renormalize thmax = thumb.max() thumb /= thmax # resize before projection? rgbproj = np.asarray(thumb) rgbproj = create_projection( rgbproj, 0, self.projection, slice_index=rgbproj.shape[0] // 2 ) rgb_out = np.expand_dims(rgbproj, 2) rgb_out = np.repeat(rgb_out, 3, 2) # inject color. careful of type mismatches. rgb_out *= self.colors[i] rgb_out /= np.max(rgb_out) rgb_out = resize_cyx_image( rgb_out.transpose((2, 1, 0)), shape_out_rgb ).astype(np.float32) x0, x1, y0, y1 = _get_letterbox_bounds(output_size_dim, shape_out_rgb) composite[:, x0:x1, y0:y1] += rgb_out # renormalize composite /= composite.max() # return as cyx for pngwriter return composite else: image = image.transpose((1, 0, 2, 3)) shape_out_rgb = new_size num_noise_floor_bins = 16 composite = np.zeros( (shape_out_rgb[0], output_size_dim[1], output_size_dim[2]) ) channel_indices = self.channel_indices rgb_image = [] for i in channel_indices: # subtract out the noise floor. immin = image[i].min() immax = image[i].max() hi, bin_edges = np.histogram( image[i], bins=num_noise_floor_bins, range=(max(1, immin), immax) ) # index of tallest peak in histogram peakind = np.argmax(hi) # subtract this out thumb = image[i].astype(np.float32) thumb -= bin_edges[peakind] # don't go negative thumb[thumb < 0] = 0 # renormalize thmax = thumb.max() thumb /= thmax imdbl = np.asarray(thumb).astype("double") im_proj = create_projection( imdbl, 0, self.projection, slice_index=int(thumb.shape[0] // 2) ) # Add the modified channel to the list of channels to composite rgb_image.append(im_proj) # Composite the desired channels # rgb_image and self.colors can safely be assumed the same length because # rgb_image is the same length as self.channel_indices and an assertion # is made to that effect when constructing the class for channel, color in zip(rgb_image, self.colors): # turn into RGB rgb_out = np.expand_dims(channel, 2) rgb_out = np.repeat(rgb_out, 3, 2).astype("float") # inject color. careful of type mismatches. rgb_out *= color rgb_out /= np.max(rgb_out) rgb_out = resize_cyx_image(rgb_out.transpose((2, 1, 0)), shape_out_rgb) x0, x1, y0, y1 = _get_letterbox_bounds(output_size_dim, shape_out_rgb) composite[:, x0:x1, y0:y1] += rgb_out # returns a CYX array for the pngwriter return composite def _get_output_shape( self, im_size: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], np.ndarray] ) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """ This method will take in a 3D ZYX shape and return a 3D XYC of the final thumbnail Parameters ---------- im_size 3D ZYX shape of original image Returns ------- CYX dims for a resized thumbnail where the maximum X or Y dimension is the one specified in the constructor. """ # size down to this edge size, maintaining aspect ratio. max_edge = self.size # keep same number of z slices. shape_out = np.hstack( ( im_size[0], max_edge if im_size[1] > im_size[2] else max_edge * (float(im_size[1]) / im_size[2]), max_edge if im_size[1] < im_size[2] else max_edge * (float(im_size[2]) / im_size[1]), ) ) return 3, int(np.ceil(shape_out[2])), int(np.ceil(shape_out[1]))
[docs] def make_thumbnail( self, image: np.ndarray, apply_cell_mask: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """ This method is the primary interface with the ThumbnailGenerator. It can be used many times with different images in order to save the configuration that was specified at the beginning of the generator. Parameters ---------- image ZCYX image that is the source of the thumbnail apply_cell_mask boolean value that designates whether the image is a fullfield or segmented cell False -> fullfield, True -> segmented cell Returns ------- a CYX image, scaled down to the size designated in the constructor """ image = image.astype(np.float32) # check to make sure there are 3 or more channels assert image.shape[1] >= 3, "The image did not have 3 or more channels" assert image.shape[2] > 1 and image.shape[3] > 1 assert max(self.channel_indices) <= image.shape[1] - 1 if apply_cell_mask: assert self.mask_channel_index <= image.shape[1] im_size = np.array(image[:, 0].shape) assert len(im_size) == 3 shape_out_rgb = self._get_output_shape(im_size) final_size = ( (shape_out_rgb[0], self.size, self.size) if self.letterbox else shape_out_rgb ) thumbnail = self._make_thumbnail( image, shape_out_rgb, final_size, apply_cell_mask=apply_cell_mask ) if not self.return_rgb: return thumbnail # Clip the values of the float array between 0 and 1, rescale to the bit depth # of uint8, and cast to uint8 rgb_thumbnail = (thumbnail.clip(0, 1) * 255.0).astype(np.uint8) return rgb_thumbnail
[docs]def make_one_thumbnail( infile: str, outfile: str, channels: List[int], colors: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], size: int, projection: str = "max", axis: int = 2, apply_mask: bool = False, mask_channel: int = 0, label: str = "", t: int = 0 ): axistranspose = (1, 0, 2, 3) if axis == 2: # Z axistranspose = (1, 0, 2, 3) elif axis == 0: # X axistranspose = (2, 0, 1, 3) elif axis == 1: # Y axistranspose = (3, 0, 2, 1) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown axis value: {axis}") image = aicsimageio.AICSImage(infile) imagedata = image.get_image_data("CZYX", T=t) generator = ThumbnailGenerator( channel_indices=channels, size=size, mask_channel_index=mask_channel, colors=colors, projection=projection, ) # take zeroth time, and transpose projection axis and c thumbnail = generator.make_thumbnail( imagedata.transpose(axistranspose), apply_cell_mask=apply_mask ) if label: # Untested on MacOS if platform.system() == "Windows": font_path = "/Windows/Fonts/consola.ttf" else: font_path = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf" font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 12) img = Image.fromarray(thumbnail.transpose((1, 2, 0))) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.text((2, 2), label, (255, 255, 255), font=font) thumbnail = np.array(img) thumbnail = thumbnail.transpose(2, 0, 1), outfile, dim_order="SXY") return thumbnail