Source code for aicsimageprocessing.alignMajor

# Author Evan Wiederspan <>

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate

from .backgroundCrop import crop

[docs]def get_major_minor_axis(img): """ Finds the major and minor axis as 3d vectors of the passed in image Parameters ---------- img CZYX numpy array Returns ------- Tuple containing two numpy arrays representing the major and minor axis as 3d vectors """ # do a mean projection if more than 3 axes if img.ndim > 3: z, y, x = np.nonzero(np.mean(img, axis=tuple(range(img.ndim - 3)))) else: z, y, x = np.nonzero(img) coords = np.stack([x - np.mean(x), y - np.mean(y), z - np.mean(z)]) # eigenvectors and values of the covariance matrix evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(coords)) # return largest and smallest eigenvectors (major and minor axis) order = np.argsort(evals) return (evecs[:, order[-1]], evecs[:, order[0]])
def _get_rotation_matrix(axis, angle): """ Helper function to generate a rotation matrix for an x, y, or z axis Used in get_major_angles """ cos = np.cos sin = np.sin angle = np.radians(angle) if axis == 2: # z axis return np.array( [[cos(angle), -sin(angle), 0], [sin(angle), cos(angle), 0], [0, 0, 1]] ) if axis == 1: # y axis return np.array( [[cos(angle), 0, sin(angle)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(angle), 0, cos(angle)]] ) else: # x axis return np.array( [[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(angle), -sin(angle)], [0, sin(angle), cos(angle)]] )
[docs]def unit_vector(v): """ Return unit vector of v Parameters ---------- v vector as numpy array Returns ------- unit vector of same length as v """ try: return v / np.linalg.norm(v) except ZeroDivisionError: return np.array([0] * v.ndim)
[docs]def angle_between(v1, v2): """ Finds angle between two 2d vectors Parameters ---------- v1 first vector as a numpy array v2 second vector as a numpy array Returns ------- angle between v1 and v2 in degrees """ if getattr(v1, "ndim", 0) != 1 or getattr(v2, "ndim", 0) != 1: raise ValueError("v1 and v2 must be 1d numpy arrays") dot_prod =, unit_vector(v2)) # happens if of one the passed in vectors has length 0 if np.isnan(dot_prod): return 0 return np.degrees(np.arccos(np.clip(dot_prod, -1.0, 1.0)))
[docs]def get_align_angles(img, axes="zyx"): """ Returns the angles needed to rotate an image to align it with the specified axes Parameters ---------- img A CZYX image as a 4d numpy array. The image that will be measured to get the alignment angles. The image will not be altered by this function axes string, that must be an arrangement of 'xyz' The major axis will be aligned with the first one, the minor with the last one. 'zyx' by default Returns ------- A list of tuple pairs, containing the axis indices and angles to rotate along the paired axis. Meant to be passed into align_major """ if getattr(img, "ndim", 0) < 3: raise ValueError("img must be at least a 3d numpy array") axis_map = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2} if ( not isinstance(axes, str) or len(axes) != 3 or not all(a in axis_map for a in axes) ): raise ValueError("axes must be an arrangement of 'xyz'") # axes parameter string turned into a list of indices axis_list = [axis_map[a] for a in axes] maj_axis_i = axis_list[0] # unit vectors for x, y, and z axis axis_vectors = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # slices for selecting yz, xz, and xy components from vectors slices = (slice(1, 3), slice(0, 3, 2), slice(0, 2)) # index of the major axis (0, 1, or 2) maj_axis = axis_vectors[axis_list[0]] min_axis = axis_vectors[axis_list[-1]] img_maj_axis, img_min_axis = get_major_minor_axis(img) angles = [] for a in range(3): if a != maj_axis_i: # rotate around other two axis (e.g if aligning major to Z axis, rotate # around Y and X to get there) angle = angle_between(maj_axis[slices[a]], img_maj_axis[slices[a]]) angles.append([a, -angle]) img_maj_axis =, angle), img_maj_axis) img_min_axis =, angle), img_min_axis) # final rotation goes around major axis to align the minor axis properly # has to be done last angles.append( [ maj_axis_i, angle_between( min_axis[slices[maj_axis_i]], img_min_axis[slices[maj_axis_i]] ), ] ) return angles
[docs]def align_major(images, angles, reshape=True): """ Rotates images based on the angles passed in Parameters ---------- images Either a single image or a list of them. Must be at least 3d numpy arrays, ordered as TCZYX angles The tuple returned by get_align_angles. Tells the function how to rotate the images reshape boolean. If True, the output will be resized to ensure that no data from img is lost. If False, the output will be the same size as the input, with potential to lose data that lies outside of the input shape after rotation. Default is True Returns ------- If a single image was passed in, it will will return a rotated copy of that image. If a list was passed in, it will return a list of rotated images in the same order that they were passed in """ if isinstance(images, (list, tuple)): return_list = True image_list = images else: # turn it into a single element list for easier code return_list = False image_list = [images] if not all(getattr(img, "ndim", 0) >= 3 for img in image_list): raise ValueError("All images must be at least 3d") rotate_axes = ((-3, -2), (-3, -1), (-2, -1)) # output list out_list = [] for img in image_list: out = img.copy() for axis, angle in angles: out = rotate( out, angle, reshape=reshape, order=1, axes=rotate_axes[axis], cval=(np.nan if reshape else 0), ) out_list.append(out) if reshape: # cropping necessary as each resize makes the image bigger # np.nan used as fill value when reshaping in order to make cropping easy for i in range(len(out_list)): out_list[i] = crop(out_list[i], np.nan) out_list[i][np.isnan(out_list[i])] = 0 if return_list: return out_list else: # turn it back from a single element list to a single image return out_list[0]