Source code for aicsimageprocessing.segmentation.nucleusSegmentation

# author: Zach Crabtree
from __future__ import print_function

import math as m

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label
from skimage import morphology
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.measure import regionprops

[docs]def keep_connected_components(image, low_threshold, high_threshold=None): """ This will keep components that have a larger volume than low_threshold and a smaller volume than high_threshold Parameters ---------- image An n-dimensional array of booleans low_threshold If any component is smaller than this value, it will be removed high_threshold If any component is bigger than this value, it will be removed Returns ------- n-dimensional boolean array with same size as image """ if high_threshold is None: high_threshold = # label objects in image and get total number of objects detected labels, num_objects = label(image) output = np.zeros(image.shape) if num_objects > 1: # get the area of each object components = regionprops(labels) for component in components: if low_threshold < component.area <= high_threshold: # if the component has a volume within the two thresholds, # set the output image to 1 for every pixel of the component output[labels == component.label] = 1 else: output = image.copy() return output
[docs]def fill_nucleus_segmentation(cell_index_img, nuc_original_img): """ This function is built to fill in the holes of the nucleus segmentation channel Parameters ---------- cell_index_img A ZYX ndarray - represents the segmented image of all cell bodies nuc_original_img A ZYX ndarray - represents the original image of the nuclei channel Returns ------- A ZYX ndarray - represents a corrected segmented image of the nuclei """ if cell_index_img.ndim != 3 or nuc_original_img.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("fill_nucleus_segmentation only accepts ZYX ndarrays!") # cast as float and normalize the input image nuc_original_img = nuc_original_img.astype(np.float64) original_max = np.max(nuc_original_img) original_min = np.min(nuc_original_img) nuc_original_img = ( (nuc_original_img - original_min) / (original_max - original_min) * 255 ) total_out = np.zeros(nuc_original_img.shape) for cell_value in range(1, cell_index_img.max() + 1): # get indices of cell with cell_value as its ID cell_indices = np.where(cell_index_img == cell_value) # if a cell exists with this cell_value if len(cell_indices[0]) > 0: z_indices, y_indices, x_indices = ( cell_indices[0], cell_indices[1], cell_indices[2], ) # creates buffer of 10 pixels/slices around the cell, or stops at the # boundaries of the original image x_slice = slice( max(1, -10 + min(x_indices)), min(10 + max(x_indices), cell_index_img.shape[2]), ) y_slice = slice( max(1, -10 + min(y_indices)), min(10 + max(y_indices), cell_index_img.shape[1]), ) z_slice = slice( max(1, -10 + min(z_indices)), min(10 + max(z_indices), cell_index_img.shape[0]), ) # crop and mask the whole cell segmentation cropped_cell_seg = ( cell_index_img[z_slice, y_slice, x_slice].astype(np.float64).copy() ) cropped_cell_seg[cropped_cell_seg != cell_value] = 0 nucleus_mask = cropped_cell_seg.copy() # crop and mask the nucleus channel output = nuc_original_img[z_slice, y_slice, x_slice].copy() output[nucleus_mask != cell_value] = 0 # filter the membrane segmentation channel sigma = np.divide([51, 51, 21], (4 * m.sqrt(2 * m.log(2)))) cropped_cell_seg = gaussian_filter(cropped_cell_seg, sigma) # filter the nuclear channel output = gaussian_filter(output, sigma) # this indexing assures that no values in output are divided by zero output[cropped_cell_seg > 0] /= cropped_cell_seg[cropped_cell_seg > 0] # threshold and mask to get the new nuclear segmentation output[cropped_cell_seg == 0] = 0 if len(output[output > 0]) > 0: otsu_threshold = threshold_otsu(output[output > 0]) output[output <= otsu_threshold] = 0 output[output > otsu_threshold] = 1 # clean the images of objects and holes output = morphology.remove_small_objects(output.astype( output = morphology.remove_small_holes(output.astype( # clean each slice of objects and holes for z in range(output.shape[0]): output[z] = morphology.remove_small_objects( output[z].astype( ) output[z] = morphology.remove_small_holes(output[z].astype( # output needs to be recast as int, because the morphology methods # above return boolean arrays output = output.astype( # get the total volume and ignore components less than a quarter of # that volume total_volume = np.count_nonzero(output) output = keep_connected_components( output, total_volume // 4, total_volume * 2 ) # change boolean value back to original segmentation value output *= cell_value # mask the nucleus inside the cell membrane segmentation again output[nucleus_mask != cell_value] = 0 total_out[z_slice, y_slice, x_slice] += output return total_out