Source code for aicsimageio.utils.io_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

from fsspec.core import url_to_fs
from fsspec.spec import AbstractFileSystem

from ..types import PathLike


[docs]def pathlike_to_fs( uri: PathLike, enforce_exists: bool = False, fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> Tuple[AbstractFileSystem, str]: """ Find and return the appropriate filesystem and path from a path-like object. Parameters ---------- uri: PathLike The local or remote path or uri. enforce_exists: bool Check whether or not the resource exists, if not, raise FileNotFoundError. Returns ------- fs: AbstractFileSystem The filesystem to operate on. path: str The full path to the target resource. fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to the fsspec created filesystem. Default: {} Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If enforce_exists is provided value True and the resource is not found or is unavailable. """ # Convert paths to string to be handled by url_to_fs if isinstance(uri, Path): uri = str(uri) # Get details fs, path = url_to_fs(uri, **fs_kwargs) # Check file exists if enforce_exists: if not fs.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{fs.protocol}://{path}") # Get and store details # We do not return an AbstractBufferedFile (i.e. as we do not want to have # any open file buffers _after_ any API call. API calls must themselves call # and complete their function during the context of the opened buffer. return fs, path