Source code for aicsimageio.metadata.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import os
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

import lxml.etree
import numpy as np
from ome_types import OME
from ome_types.model.simple_types import PixelType

from ..dimensions import DimensionNames
from ..types import ArrayLike, PathLike, PhysicalPixelSizes


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


# This is a known issue that could have been caused by prior versions of aicsimageio
# due to our old file.
# You can see the PR that updated this exact line here:
# Notably why this is invalid is that the 2012-03 schema _doesn't exist_
# Don't know how this wasn't ever caught before that PR but to ensure that we don't
# error in reading the OME in aicsimageio>=4.0.0, we manually find and replace this
# line in OME xml prior to creating the OME object.


[docs]def transform_metadata_with_xslt( tree: ET.Element, xslt: PathLike, ) -> OME: """ Given an in-memory metadata Element and a path to an XSLT file, convert metadata to OME. Parameters ---------- tree: ET.Element The metadata tree to convert. xslt: PathLike Path to the XSLT file. Returns ------- ome: OME The generated / translated OME metadata. Notes ----- This function will briefly update your processes current working directory to the directory that stores the XSLT file. """ # Store current process directory process_dir = Path().cwd() # Make xslt path absolute xslt_abs_path = Path(xslt).resolve(strict=True).absolute() # Try the transform try: # We switch directories so that whatever sub-moduled in XSLT # main file can have local references to supporting transforms. # i.e. the main XSLT file imports a transformers for specific sections # of the metadata (camera, experiment, etc.) os.chdir(xslt_abs_path.parent) # Parse template and generate transform function template = lxml.etree.parse(str(xslt_abs_path)) transform = lxml.etree.XSLT(template) # Convert from stdlib ET to lxml ET tree_str = ET.tostring(tree) lxml_tree = lxml.etree.fromstring(tree_str) ome_etree = transform(lxml_tree) # Dump generated etree to string and read with ome-types ome = OME.from_xml(str(ome_etree)) # Regardless of error or succeed, move back to original process dir finally: os.chdir(process_dir) return ome
[docs]def generate_ome_image_id(image_id: Union[str, int]) -> str: """ Naively generates the standard OME image ID using a provided ID. Parameters ---------- image_id: Union[str, int] A string or int representing the ID for an image. In the context of the usage of this function, this is usually used with the index of the scene / image. Returns ------- ome_image_id: str The OME standard for image IDs. """ return f"Image:{image_id}"
[docs]def generate_ome_channel_id(image_id: str, channel_id: Union[str, int]) -> str: """ Naively generates the standard OME channel ID using a provided ID. Parameters ---------- image_id: str An image id to pull the image specific index from. See: `generate_ome_image_id` for more details. channel_id: Union[str, int] A string or int representing the ID for a channel. In the context of the usage of this function, this is usually used with the index of the channel. Returns ------- ome_channel_id: str The OME standard for channel IDs. Notes ----- ImageIds are usually: "Image:0", "Image:1", or "Image:N", ChannelIds are usually the combination of image index + channel index -- "Channel:0:0" for the first channel of the first image for example. """ # Remove the prefix 'Image:' to get just the index image_index = image_id.replace("Image:", "") return f"Channel:{image_index}:{channel_id}"
[docs]def generate_ome_instrument_id(instrument_id: Union[str, int]) -> str: """ Naively generates the standard OME instrument ID using a provided ID. Parameters ---------- instrument_id: Union[str, int] A string or int representing the ID for an instrument. Returns ------- ome_instrument_id: str The OME standard for instrument IDs. """ return f"Instrument:{instrument_id}"
[docs]def generate_ome_detector_id(detector_id: Union[str, int]) -> str: """ Naively generates the standard OME detector ID using a provided ID. Parameters ---------- detector_id: Union[str, int] A string or int representing the ID for a detector. Returns ------- ome_detector_id: str The OME standard for detector IDs. """ return f"Detector:{detector_id}"
[docs]def clean_ome_xml_for_known_issues(xml: str) -> str: """ Clean an OME XML string for known issues created by AICS or MicroManager systems and tools. Commonly this is used for cleaning a file produced by AICS prior to noticing the issue (2021), or for other users of aicsimageio as a whole prior to 4.x series of releases. The result of this function should be an OME XML string that is relatively the same (no major pieces missing) but that validates against the reference OME XSD. Parameters ---------- xml: str The OME XML string to clean for errors. Returns ------- cleaned_xml: str The cleaned OME XML string. Raises ------ ValueError Provided XML does not contain a namespace. """ # Store list of changes to print out with warning metadata_changes = [] # Fix xsd reference # This is from OMEXML object just having invalid reference for known_invalid_ref in KNOWN_INVALID_OME_XSD_REFERENCES: if known_invalid_ref in xml: xml = xml.replace( known_invalid_ref, REPLACEMENT_OME_XSD_REFERENCE, ) metadata_changes.append( f"Replaced '{known_invalid_ref}' with " f"'{REPLACEMENT_OME_XSD_REFERENCE}'." ) # Read in XML root = ET.fromstring(xml) # Get the namespace # In XML etree this looks like # "{}" # and must prepend any etree finds namespace_matches = re.match(r"\{.*\}", root.tag) if namespace_matches is not None: namespace = else: raise ValueError("XML does not contain a namespace") # Fix MicroManager Instrument and Detector instrument = root.find(f"{namespace}Instrument") if instrument is not None: instrument_id = instrument.get("ID") if instrument_id == "Microscope": ome_instrument_id = generate_ome_instrument_id(0) instrument.set("ID", ome_instrument_id) metadata_changes.append( f"Updated attribute 'ID' from '{instrument_id}' to " f"'{ome_instrument_id}' on Instrument element." ) for detector_index, detector in enumerate( instrument.findall(f"{namespace}Detector") ): detector_id = detector.get("ID") if detector_id is not None: # Create ome detector id if needed ome_detector_id = None if detector_id == "Camera": ome_detector_id = generate_ome_detector_id(detector_index) elif not detector_id.startswith("Detector:"): ome_detector_id = generate_ome_detector_id(detector_id) # Apply ome detector id if replaced if ome_detector_id is not None: detector.set("ID", ome_detector_id) metadata_changes.append( f"Updated attribute 'ID' from '{detector_id}' to " f"'{ome_detector_id}' on Detector element at " f"position {detector_index}." ) # Find all Image elements and fix IDs and refs to fixed instruments # This is for certain for test files of o.urs and ACTK files for image_index, image in enumerate(root.findall(f"{namespace}Image")): image_id = image.get("ID") if image_id is not None: found_image_id = image_id if not found_image_id.startswith("Image"): ome_image_id = generate_ome_image_id(found_image_id) image.set("ID", ome_image_id) metadata_changes.append( f"Updated attribute 'ID' from '{image_id}' to '{ome_image_id}' " f"on Image element at position {image_index}." ) # Fix MicroManager bad instrument refs instrument_ref = image.find(f"{namespace}InstrumentRef") if instrument_ref is not None: instrument_ref_id = instrument_ref.get("ID") if instrument_ref_id == "Microscope": instrument_ref.set("ID", ome_instrument_id) # Find all Pixels elements and fix IDs for pixels_index, pixels in enumerate(image.findall(f"{namespace}Pixels")): pixels_id = pixels.get("ID") if pixels_id is not None: found_pixels_id = pixels_id if not found_pixels_id.startswith("Pixels"): pixels.set("ID", f"Pixels:{found_pixels_id}") metadata_changes.append( f"Updated attribute 'ID' from '{found_pixels_id}' to " f"Pixels:{found_pixels_id}' on Pixels element at " f"position {pixels_index}." ) # Determine if there is an out-of-order channel / plane elem # This is due to OMEXML "add channel" function # That added Channels and appropriate Planes to the XML # But, placed them in: # Channel # Plane # Plane # ... # Channel # Plane # Plane # # Instead of grouped together: # Channel # Channel # ... # Plane # Plane # ... # # This effects all CFE files (new and old) but for different reasons pixels_children_out_of_order = False encountered_something_besides_channel = False encountered_plane = False for child in pixels: if child.tag != f"{namespace}Channel": encountered_something_besides_channel = True if child.tag == f"{namespace}Plane": encountered_plane = True if ( encountered_something_besides_channel and child.tag == f"{namespace}Channel" ): pixels_children_out_of_order = True break if encountered_plane and child.tag in [ f"{namespace}{t}" for t in ["BinData", "TiffData", "MetadataOnly"] ]: pixels_children_out_of_order = True break # Ensure order of: # channels -> bindata | tiffdata | metadataonly -> planes if pixels_children_out_of_order: # Get all relevant elems channels = [deepcopy(c) for c in pixels.findall(f"{namespace}Channel")] bin_data = [deepcopy(b) for b in pixels.findall(f"{namespace}BinData")] tiff_data = [ deepcopy(t) for t in pixels.findall(f"{namespace}TiffData") ] # There should only be one metadata only element but to standardize # list comprehensions later we findall metadata_only = [ deepcopy(m) for m in pixels.findall(f"{namespace}MetadataOnly") ] planes = [deepcopy(p) for p in pixels.findall(f"{namespace}Plane")] # Old (2018 ish) cell feature explorer files sometimes contain both # an empty metadata only element and filled tiffdata elements # Since the metadata only elements are empty we can check this and # choose the tiff data elements instead # # First check if there are any metadata only elements if len(metadata_only) == 1: # Now check if _one of_ of the other two choices are filled # ^ in Python is XOR if (len(bin_data) > 0) ^ (len(tiff_data) > 0): metadata_children = list(metadata_only[0]) # Now check if the metadata only elem has no children if len(metadata_children) == 0: # If so, just "purge" by creating empty list metadata_only = [] # If there are children elements # Return XML and let XMLSchema Validation show error else: return xml # After cleaning metadata only, validate the normal behaviors of # OME schema # # Validate that there is only one of bindata, tiffdata, or metadata if len(bin_data) > 0: if len(tiff_data) == 0 and len(metadata_only) == 0: selected_choice = bin_data else: # Return XML and let XMLSchema Validation show error return xml elif len(tiff_data) > 0: if len(bin_data) == 0 and len(metadata_only) == 0: selected_choice = tiff_data else: # Return XML and let XMLSchema Validation show error return xml elif len(metadata_only) == 1: if len(bin_data) == 0 and len(tiff_data) == 0: selected_choice = metadata_only else: # Return XML and let XMLSchema Validation show error return xml else: # Return XML and let XMLSchema Validation show error return xml # Remove all children from element to be replaced # with ordered elements for elem in list(pixels): pixels.remove(elem) # Re-attach elements for channel in channels: pixels.append(channel) for elem in selected_choice: pixels.append(elem) for plane in planes: pixels.append(plane) metadata_changes.append( f"Reordered children of Pixels element at " f"position {pixels_index}." ) # This is a result of dumping basically all experiement metadata # into "StructuredAnnotation" blocks # # This affects new (2020) Cell Feature Explorer files # # Because these are structured annotations we don't want to mess with anyones # besides the AICS generated bad structured annotations aics_anno_removed_count = 0 sa = root.find(f"{namespace}StructuredAnnotations") if sa is not None: for xml_anno in sa.findall(f"{namespace}XMLAnnotation"): # At least these are namespaced if xml_anno.get("Namespace") == "": # Get ID because some elements have annotation refs # in both the base Image element and all plane elements aics_anno_id = xml_anno.get("ID") for image in root.findall(f"{namespace}Image"): for anno_ref in image.findall(f"{namespace}AnnotationRef"): if anno_ref.get("ID") == aics_anno_id: image.remove(anno_ref) # Clean planes if image is not None: found_image = image pixels_planes: Optional[ET.Element] = found_image.find( f"{namespace}Pixels" ) if pixels_planes is not None: for plane in pixels_planes.findall(f"{namespace}Plane"): for anno_ref in plane.findall( f"{namespace}AnnotationRef" ): if anno_ref.get("ID") == aics_anno_id: plane.remove(anno_ref) # Remove the whole etree sa.remove(xml_anno) aics_anno_removed_count += 1 # Log changes if aics_anno_removed_count > 0: metadata_changes.append( f"Removed {aics_anno_removed_count} AICS generated XMLAnnotations." ) # If there are no annotations in StructuredAnnotations, remove it if sa is not None: if len(list(sa)) == 0: root.remove(sa) # If any piece of metadata was changed alert and rewrite if len(metadata_changes) > 0: log.debug("OME metadata was cleaned for known AICSImageIO 3.x OMEXML errors.") log.debug(f"Full list of OME cleaning changes: {metadata_changes}") # Register namespace ET.register_namespace("", f"http://{REPLACEMENT_OME_XSD_REFERENCE}") # Write out cleaned XML to string xml = ET.tostring( root, encoding="unicode", method="xml", ) return xml
[docs]def dtype_to_ome_type(npdtype: np.dtype) -> PixelType: """ Convert numpy dtype to OME PixelType Parameters ---------- npdtype: numpy.dtype A numpy datatype. Returns ------- ome_type: PixelType One of the supported OME Pixels types Raises ------ ValueError No matching pixel type for provided numpy type. """ ometypedict = { np.dtype(np.int8): PixelType.INT8, np.dtype(np.int16): PixelType.INT16, np.dtype(np.int32): PixelType.INT32, np.dtype(np.uint8): PixelType.UINT8, np.dtype(np.uint16): PixelType.UINT16, np.dtype(np.uint32): PixelType.UINT32, np.dtype(np.float32): PixelType.FLOAT, np.dtype(np.float64): PixelType.DOUBLE, np.dtype(np.complex64): PixelType.COMPLEXFLOAT, np.dtype(np.complex128): PixelType.COMPLEXDOUBLE, } ptype = ometypedict.get(npdtype) if ptype is None: raise ValueError(f"Ome utils can't resolve pixel type: {}") return ptype
[docs]def ome_to_numpy_dtype(ome_type: PixelType) -> np.dtype: """ Convert OME PixelType to numpy dtype Parameters ---------- ome_type: PixelType One of the supported OME Pixels types Returns ------- npdtype: numpy.dtype A numpy datatype. Raises ------ ValueError No matching numpy type for the provided pixel type. """ ometypedict: Dict[PixelType, np.dtype] = { PixelType.INT8: np.dtype(np.int8), PixelType.INT16: np.dtype(np.int16), PixelType.INT32: np.dtype(np.int32), PixelType.UINT8: np.dtype(np.uint8), PixelType.UINT16: np.dtype(np.uint16), PixelType.UINT32: np.dtype(np.uint32), PixelType.FLOAT: np.dtype(np.float32), PixelType.DOUBLE: np.dtype(np.float64), PixelType.COMPLEXFLOAT: np.dtype(np.complex64), PixelType.COMPLEXDOUBLE: np.dtype(np.complex128), } nptype = ometypedict.get(ome_type) if nptype is None: raise ValueError(f"Ome utils can't resolve pixel type: {ome_type.value}") return nptype
[docs]def bioformats_ome(path: PathLike, original_meta: bool = False) -> OME: """Retrieve OME meta from any compatible file, using bioformats. Note: this function requires the bioformats_jar package to be installed. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path path to image original_meta : bool, optional whether to also retrieve the proprietary metadata as structured annotations in the OME output, by default False Returns ------- OME : ome_types.OME The parsed metadata object. Raises ------ ImportError if bioformats_jar is not installed. ValidationError if ome_types.cannot parse the xml in the file """ from ..readers.bioformats_reader import BioFile with BioFile(path, meta=True, original_meta=original_meta, memoize=False) as lf: return lf.ome_metadata
[docs]def get_dims_from_ome(ome: OME, scene_index: int) -> List[str]: """ Process the OME metadata to retrieve the dimension names. Parameters ---------- ome: OME A constructed OME object to retrieve data from. scene_index: int The current operating scene index to pull metadata from. Returns ------- dims: List[str] The dimension names pulled from the OME metadata. """ # Select scene scene_meta = ome.images[scene_index] # Create dimension order by getting the current scene's dimension order # and reversing it because OME store order vs use order is :shrug: dims = [d for d in scene_meta.pixels.dimension_order.value[::-1]] # Check for num samples and expand dims if greater than 1 n_samples = scene_meta.pixels.channels[0].samples_per_pixel if n_samples is not None and n_samples > 1 and "S" not in dims: # Append to the end, i.e. the last dimension dims.append("S") return dims
[docs]def get_coords_from_ome( ome: OME, scene_index: int ) -> Dict[str, Union[List[Any], Union[ArrayLike, Any]]]: """ Process the OME metadata to retrieve the coordinate planes. Parameters ---------- ome: OME A constructed OME object to retrieve data from. scene_index: int The current operating scene index to pull metadata from. Returns ------- coords: Dict[str, Union[List[Any], Union[types.ArrayLike, Any]]] The coordinate planes / data for each dimension. """ from ..readers.reader import Reader # Select scene scene_meta = ome.images[scene_index] # Get coordinate planes coords: Dict[str, Union[List[str], np.ndarray]] = {} # Channels # Channel name isn't required by OME spec, so try to use it but # roll back to ID if not found coords[DimensionNames.Channel] = [ if is not None else for channel in scene_meta.pixels.channels ] # Time # If global linear timescale we can np.linspace with metadata if scene_meta.pixels.time_increment is not None: coords[DimensionNames.Time] = Reader._generate_coord_array( 0, scene_meta.pixels.size_t, scene_meta.pixels.time_increment ) # If non global linear timescale, we need to create an array of every plane # time value elif scene_meta.pixels.size_t > 1: if len(scene_meta.pixels.planes) > 0: t_index_to_delta_map = { p.the_t: p.delta_t for p in scene_meta.pixels.planes } coords[DimensionNames.Time] = list(t_index_to_delta_map.values()) else: coords[DimensionNames.Time] = np.linspace( 0, scene_meta.pixels.size_t - 1, scene_meta.pixels.size_t, ) # Handle Spatial Dimensions if scene_meta.pixels.physical_size_z is not None: coords[DimensionNames.SpatialZ] = Reader._generate_coord_array( 0, scene_meta.pixels.size_z, scene_meta.pixels.physical_size_z ) if scene_meta.pixels.physical_size_y is not None: coords[DimensionNames.SpatialY] = Reader._generate_coord_array( 0, scene_meta.pixels.size_y, scene_meta.pixels.physical_size_y ) if scene_meta.pixels.physical_size_x is not None: coords[DimensionNames.SpatialX] = Reader._generate_coord_array( 0, scene_meta.pixels.size_x, scene_meta.pixels.physical_size_x ) return coords
[docs]def physical_pixel_sizes(ome: OME, scene: int = 0) -> PhysicalPixelSizes: """ Returns ------- sizes: PhysicalPixelSizes Using available metadata, the floats representing physical pixel sizes for dimensions Z, Y, and X. Notes ----- We currently do not handle unit attachment to these values. Please see the file metadata for unit information. """ p = ome.images[scene].pixels return PhysicalPixelSizes(p.physical_size_z, p.physical_size_y, p.physical_size_x)