Source code for quilt3distribute.validation

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from collections import Counter
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Tuple,
                    Type, Union)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
from tqdm import tqdm


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class FeatureDefinition(object): def __init__( self, dtype: Type, validation_functions: Optional[Union[List[Callable], Tuple[Callable]]] = None, cast_values: bool = False, display_name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, units: Optional[str] = None ): """ Initialize a new feature definition. A feature definition can be as simple as providing a data type (dtype) or can be incredibly specific by including validation and cleaning operations or providing metadata. If dtype of pathlib.Path is provided, cast_values is automatically set to True. :param dtype: The data type for the feature. :param validation_functions: A list or tuple of callable functions to validate each instance of the feature. :param cast_values: In the case that an instance of the feature is found that doesn't match the dtype provided, should that instance be attempted to cast to the provided dtype. :param display_name: Metadata attachment for a display name to be given to the feature. :param description: Metadata attachment for a description for the feature. :param units: Metadata attachment for unit details for the feature. """ # Handle non tuple values if validation_functions is None: validation_functions = tuple() elif isinstance(validation_functions, list): validation_functions = tuple(validation_functions) # Ensure functions was passed as a tuple if not isinstance(validation_functions, tuple): raise TypeError( f"FeatureDefinitions must be initialized with either no, a list, or a tuple of validation functions." ) # Ensure all items provided in validation functions are callable if not all(callable(f) for f in validation_functions): raise TypeError( f"Items provided as validation functions must be callable. Received: {validation_functions}" ) # Store configuration self.dtype = dtype self.validation_functions = validation_functions self.cast_values = cast_values self.display_name = display_name self.description = description self.units = units # If dtype passed was Path, always attempt to cast if dtype == Path: self.cast_values = True def __str__(self): short_info = f"[display_name: '{self.display_name}', dtype: '{self.dtype}', cast values: {self.cast_values}]" return f"<FeatureDefinition {short_info}>" def __repr__(self): return str(self)
def _generate_schema_template(df: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict[str, FeatureDefinition]: """ Helper function to generate a schema template (a dictionary of column name to FeatureDefinitions). This function makes strong assumptions about which columns headers indicate that a value is a filepath or not. It also, attempts to determine if value casting should be turned on based off the number of unique types present in a column. """ # Create feature definition for each column feature_definitions = {} for col in df.columns: # Make basic schema display_name = col.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ").replace(" ", " ").replace(".", "").title() # Create counter of types and choose most popular type dtypes = Counter([v.__class__ for v in df[col].values]) # Get most popular # This is a good post explaining what is happening # dtype = dtypes.most_common(1)[0][0] # Only cast values when more than one type is present cast_values = len(dtypes) > 1 # Check for path indicator if any(sub in col.lower() for sub in ["file", "path", "_dir", "directory"]) and not col.lower().endswith("id"): # Confirm most popular type is common path type if any(t == dtype for t in (str, Path)): # Set ctype to Path dtype = Path # Create definition feature_definitions[col] = FeatureDefinition( dtype=dtype, cast_values=cast_values, display_name=display_name ) return feature_definitions
[docs]class PlannedDelayedDropError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str, **kwargs): self.message = message def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]class PlannedDelayedDropResult(NamedTuple): index: int error: PlannedDelayedDropError
[docs]class ValidatedFeature(object): def __init__( self, name: str, dtype: Type, display_name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, units: Optional[str] = None, validation_functions: Optional[Tuple[Callable]] = None, errored_results: Optional[Set[PlannedDelayedDropResult]] = None ): """ A feature that has it's core validation attributes locked but metadata freely mutable. :param name: The name for the feature in the dataset (usually this is the column). :param dtype: A single data type for the feature. :param display_name: A display name for the feature. :param description: A description for the feature. :param units: Units for the feature. :param validation_functions: The tuple of validation functions ran against the feature values. :param errored_results: An optional set of PlannedDelayedDropResults that errored out during validation. """ # Store configuration self._name = name self._dtype = dtype self.display_name = display_name self.description = description self.units = units self._validation_functions = validation_functions if errored_results: self._errored_results = errored_results else: self._errored_results = set() @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def dtype(self) -> Type: dtype = str(self._dtype).replace("<class '", "")[:-2] return dtype @property def validation_functions(self) -> Tuple[Callable]: return self._validation_functions @property def errored_results(self) -> Set[int]: return self._errored_results
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Type, Tuple[Callable]]]: return { "name":, "dtype": self.dtype, "display_name": self.display_name, "description": self.description, "units": self.units, "validation_functions": self.validation_functions, "errored_results": self.errored_results }
def __str__(self): return f"<ValidatedFeature [name: {}, dtype: {self.dtype}, display_name: {self.display_name}]" def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Validator(object): def __init__( self, name: str, values: np.ndarray, definition: FeatureDefinition, drop_on_error: bool = False ): """ A container to manage feature values and feature definition that can actually process (validate) the feature. :param name: The name of the feature (usually this is the column name). :param values: The np.ndarray of feature values. :param definition: The feature definition to validate against. :param drop_on_error: In the case that an error occurs during validation should the row be dropped and validation continue. """ # Store configuration = name self.values = values self.definition = definition self.drop_on_error = drop_on_error
[docs] def process(self, progress_bar: Optional[tqdm] = None) -> ValidatedFeature: """ Use the feature definition stored on this object to attempt to validate the feature. :param progress_bar: An optional tqdm progress bar to update as the values are processed. :return: A ValidatedFeature object representing that this feature has been checked. """ # Create empty errored results set errored_results = set() # Begin checking for i in range(len(self.values)): try: # Short ref to value val = self.values[i] val_descriptor = f"from column: '{}', at index: {i}: ({type(val)} '{val}')" # Attempt type casting if self.definition.cast_values: # Uncomment to fix windows paths # Still debating the best way to do this # Ideally we would want to detect which path sep was provided and what is the current os path sep # Fix windows paths # DEAR GOD WHY WINDOWS WHY # if self.definition.dtype == Path: # val = val.replace("\\", "/") try: val = self.definition.dtype(val) self.values[i] = val except (ValueError, TypeError): msg = f"Could not cast value {val_descriptor} to received type {self.definition.dtype}." if self.drop_on_error: raise PlannedDelayedDropError(msg) else: raise ValueError(msg) # Check type if not isinstance(val, self.definition.dtype): msg = ( f"Value {val_descriptor} does not match the type specification received " f"{self.definition.dtype}." ) if self.drop_on_error: raise PlannedDelayedDropError(msg) else: raise TypeError(msg) # Confirm paths if self.definition.dtype == Path: if not val.exists(): msg = f"Filepath {val_descriptor} was not found." if self.drop_on_error: raise PlannedDelayedDropError(msg) else: raise FileNotFoundError(msg) # Check values for func_index, f in enumerate(self.definition.validation_functions): if not f(val): msg = f"Value {val_descriptor} failed validation function {func_index}." if self.drop_on_error: raise PlannedDelayedDropError(msg) else: raise ValueError(msg) except PlannedDelayedDropError as e: errored_results.add(PlannedDelayedDropResult(index=i, error=e)) # Update progress if progress_bar: progress_bar.update() # Everything passed return validated feature return ValidatedFeature(, dtype=self.definition.dtype, display_name=self.definition.display_name, description=self.definition.description, units=self.definition.units, validation_functions=self.definition.validation_functions, errored_results=errored_results )
[docs]class ValidationReturn(NamedTuple): name: str feature: ValidatedFeature
def _validate_helper(validator: Validator, progress_bar: Optional[tqdm] = None) -> ValidatedFeature: """ A concurrency helper function to manage validator io. """ return ValidationReturn(, validator.process(progress_bar))
[docs]class Schema(object): def __init__(self, features: Dict[str, ValidatedFeature]): """ A schema is the summation of multiple validated and unvalidated features for a Dataset. It provides helpful methods for viewing which features have and have not been validated and with which data types, functions, and metadata. :param features: A dictionary mapping the dataset manifest column names to ValidatedFeatures. """ # Store all data self._feats = features # Construct schema dataframe self._df = [] for name, feat in self.features.items(): if feat: self._df.append(feat.to_dict()) else: self._df.append({ "name": name, "dtype": None, "display_name": None, "description": None, "units": None, "validation_functions": None, "errored_results": None }) # Set schema dataframe self._df = pd.DataFrame(self._df) self._df = self._df.set_index("name") @property def features(self) -> Dict[str, ValidatedFeature]: return self._feats @property def df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self._df @property def validated(self) -> List[str]: # Return any features that are validated # Known validated when the feature is not None return [f for f in self.features if self.features[f]] @property def unvalidated(self) -> List[str]: # Return any features that are not validated # Known not validated when the feature is None return [f for f in self.features if self.features[f] is None] def _tabulate(self, tablefmt: str = "html") -> str: """ Wrapper around tabulate. """ # We don't really care about rendering the validation functions schema_table = self.df.drop("validation_functions", axis=1) schema_table = tabulate(schema_table, headers=list(schema_table.columns), tablefmt=tablefmt) return schema_table def __getitem__(self, key): return self.features[key] def __str__(self): return f"<Schema [Percent Features Validated: {len(self.validated) / len(self.features) * 100}%]" def _repr_html_(self): return self.df.to_html() def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class ValidatedDataset(NamedTuple): data: pd.DataFrame schema: Schema
[docs]def validate( data: pd.DataFrame, schema: Optional[Dict[str, FeatureDefinition]] = None, drop_on_error: bool = False, n_workers: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = True ) -> ValidatedDataset: """ A function that validates a dataset against the proposed schema. :param data: A pandas dataframe to validate. :param schema: The proposed schema to validate the dataset against. A dictionary mapping dataframe column names to FeatureDefinitions. If no schema provided, it will use `_generate_schema_template` to generate one for the data provided. :param drop_on_error: In the case that an error occurs during validation should the row be dropped and validation continue. :param n_workers: The number of threads to use during validation. :param show_progress: Boolean option to show or hide progress bar. :return: A ValidatedDataset object that stores the cleaned copy of the data as well as the validated schema. Validation isn't a CPU intensive task so async threadpool is used over processpool. The most intensive task is file existence checks. """ # Generate a template if schema is None: schema = _generate_schema_template(data) # Create a copy of the dataset to use for validation as values may change during validation to_validate = data.copy() # Create validators for every column passed in schema validators = [Validator( name=column, values=to_validate[column].values, definition=definition, drop_on_error=drop_on_error ) for column, definition in schema.items()] # Multiprocess validation with ThreadPoolExecutor(n_workers) as exe: # Some people don't like progress bars, @heeler @AetherUnbound 🙃 if show_progress: with tqdm(total=len(validators) * len(data), desc="Validating") as pbar: validate_partial = partial(_validate_helper, progress_bar=pbar) validated_features = list(, validators)) else: validated_features = list(, validators)) # Display any errors that occured during validation for vf in validated_features: if len(vf.feature.errored_results) > 0: log.warning(f"Validation against column {} resulted in {len(vf.feature.errored_results)} errors.") # Display errors for this feature for i, er in enumerate(vf.feature.errored_results): log.warning(er.error) # Break after first ten if i == 9: log.warning("...") break # Drop any indicies that errored out during validation if drop_on_error: # Combine all errored indicie sets master_set = set() for vf in validated_features: master_set = master_set.union([er.index for er in vf.feature.errored_results]) # Drop all errored indicies to_validate = to_validate.drop(list(master_set)) return ValidatedDataset(to_validate, Schema({ f.feature for f in validated_features}))