Source code for quilt3distribute.documentation

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union

from markdown2 import markdown


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class ReferencedFiles(NamedTuple): target: str resolved: Path
[docs]class README(object): def __init__(self, fp: Union[str, Path]): """ Initialize a README object. :param fp: Filepath to a markdown readme document. """ # Check filepath fp = Path(fp).expanduser().resolve(strict=True) if fp.is_dir(): raise IsADirectoryError(fp) # Store self._fp = fp # Lazy loaded self._text = None @property def fp(self) -> Path: return self._fp @property def referenced_files(self) -> List[Path]: # Find all link matches # Link matches look like the following in markdown # [hello world]( # [hello world](../mydir/myfile.png) matches = re.findall(r"\[[^\]]*\]\([^\)]*\)", self.text) # Determine if the links are files or external references files = set() for match in matches: # Look for file... # This may look a bit odd but because links in markdown follow the []() structure as shown above # we need to first find the index of the ending bracket. # "But why not look for the first opening paranthesis?" # Because sweet summer child, you can use paranthesis inside the brackets like so: [()]() # Because of this we want to first find the ending bracket, then we know where the real link begins. # From there we will have just the () contents. # However, links can have alternate text that displays on hover in many markdown renderers. # To find the real link inside the link portion of the paranthesis we can split the string by spaces # and use the first component available. target = match[match.index("]") + 2: -1].split(" ")[0] # Check for common external if not any(sub in target.lower() for sub in ["https://", "http://", "s3://", "gs://"]) and target[0] != "#": # Check if it is a file resolved = Path(target).resolve() if resolved.is_file() or resolved.is_dir(): files.add(ReferencedFiles(target, resolved)) else: log.warn(f"Could not find file referenced in readme: {target}") return list(files)
[docs] def append_readme_standards( self, usage_doc_or_link: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, license_doc_or_link: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None ) -> str: """ Attach a standard document or link to the readme. If the provided value is an external resource, a default message is attached before linking to the external resource. Additionally, updates the underlying text attribute for this object to retain prior document attachments. :param usage_doc_or_link: A document or link to external resource with details on dataset usage. :param license_doc_or_link: A document or link to external resource with details on licensing. :return: The entire contents of the readme returned as a string. """ # Get current text if available if self._text: text = self._text # Read in the current readme otherwise else: with open(self.fp, "r") as readme: text = # Add usage if provided if usage_doc_or_link: usage_doc_or_link = str(usage_doc_or_link) # Check if the usage doc is a link if any(sub in usage_doc_or_link.lower() for sub in ["https://", "http://", "s3://", "gs://"]): text += ( f"\n### Usage\nFor documenation on how to use and interact with this dataset please " f"refer to [{usage_doc_or_link}]({usage_doc_or_link})." ) # Append usage contents else: usage_doc_or_link = Path(usage_doc_or_link).expanduser().resolve(strict=True) with open(usage_doc_or_link, "r") as usage_doc: text += f"\n{}" if license_doc_or_link: license_doc_or_link = str(license_doc_or_link) # Check if the license doc is a link if any(sub in license_doc_or_link.lower() for sub in ["https://", "http://", "s3://", "gs://"]): text += ( f"\n### License\nFor questions on licensing please " f"refer to [{license_doc_or_link}]({license_doc_or_link})." ) # Append license contents else: license_doc_or_link = Path(license_doc_or_link).expanduser().resolve(strict=True) with open(license_doc_or_link, "r") as license_doc: text += f"\n{}" # Store and return self._text = text return self._text
@property def text(self) -> str: if self._text: return self._text return self.append_readme_standards() def __str__(self): return f"<README [file: {self.fp}]>" def __repr__(self): return str(self) def _repr_html_(self): return markdown(self.text)