Source code for quilt3distribute.dataset

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import re
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
import quilt3
from markdown2 import markdown
from tqdm import tqdm

from . import file_utils
from .documentation import README
from .validation import validate


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This could actually include dictionaries, lists, and tuples but for the sake of simplicity we only allow these types.
# Details here:
JSONSerializableTypes = (str, int, float, bool, type(None))


[docs]class Dataset(object): def __init__( self, dataset: Union[str, Path, pd.DataFrame], name: str, package_owner: str, readme_path: Union[str, Path] ): """ Initialize a dataset object. :param dataset: Filepath or preloaded pandas dataframe. :param name: A name for the dataset. May only contain alphabetic and underscore characters. :param package_owner: The name of the dataset owner. To be attached to the dataset name. :param readme_path: A path to a markdown README file. """ # Read the dataset if isinstance(dataset, (str, Path)): dataset = Path(dataset).expanduser().resolve(strict=True) if dataset.is_dir(): raise IsADirectoryError(dataset) # Read dataset = pd.read_csv(dataset) # Check type if not isinstance(dataset, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError( f"Dataset's may only be initialized with a path to csv or a pandas dataframe. Received: {type(dataset)}" ) # Init readme readme = README(readme_path) # Confirm name matches allowed pattern name = self.return_or_raise_approved_name(name) # Store basic self._data = dataset = name self.package_owner = package_owner self._readme = readme self.readme_path = readme.fp # Lazy loaded self.metadata_columns = [] self.path_columns = [] self.column_names_map = {} self.extra_files = {} @property def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self._data @property def readme(self) -> README: return self._readme
[docs] def add_usage_doc(self, doc_or_link: Union[str, Path]): """ Add a document's content or add a link to a publically accessibly resource for documentation and usage examples. :param doc_or_link: A filepath or string uri to a resource detailing usage of this dataset. Wrapper around quilt3distribute.documentation.README.append_readme_standards. """ self.readme.append_readme_standards(usage_doc_or_link=doc_or_link)
[docs] def add_license(self, doc_or_link: Union[str, Path]): """ Add a document's content or add a link to a publically accessibly resource for license details. :param doc_or_link: A filepath or string uri to a resource for license details. Wrapper around quilt3distribute.documentation.README.append_readme_standards. """ self.readme.append_readme_standards(license_doc_or_link=doc_or_link)
[docs] def set_metadata_columns(self, columns: List[str]): """ Use the manifest contents to attach metadata to the files found in the dataset. :param columns: A list of columns to use for metadata attachment. Example row: `{"CellId": 1, "Structure": "lysosome", "2dReadPath": "/allen...", "3dReadPath": "/allen..."}` Attach structure metadata: `dataset.set_metadata_columns(["Structure"])` Results in the files found at the 2dReadPath and the 3dReadPath both having `{"Structure": "lysosome"}` attached In short: the values in each column provided will be used for metadata attachment for every file found. """ # Check columns if not any(col in for col in columns): raise ValueError(f"One or more columns provided were not found in the dataset. Received: {columns}") self.metadata_columns = columns
[docs] def set_path_columns(self, columns: List[str]): """ Explicit override for which columns will be used for file distribution. :param columns: A list of columns to use for file distribution. """ # Check columns if not any(col in for col in columns): raise ValueError(f"One or more columns provided were not found in the dataset. Received: {columns}") self.path_columns = columns
[docs] def set_column_names_map(self, columns: Dict[str, str]): """ Explicit override for the labeling of column names on file distribution. Example, a column ("2dReadPath") is detected to have files, in the package that file will be placed in a directory called "2dReadPath". Using this function, those directory names can be explicitly overridden. :param columns: A mapping of current column name contain files to desired labeled directory name. """ # Check columns if not any(col in for col in columns): raise ValueError(f"One or more columns provided were not found in the dataset. Received: {columns}") self.column_names_map = columns
[docs] @staticmethod def return_or_raise_approved_name(name: str) -> str: """ Attempt to clean a string to match the pattern expected by Quilt 3. If after the cleaning operation, it still doesn't match the approved pattern, will raise a ValueError. :param name: String name to clean. :return: Cleaned name. """ name = name.lower().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_") if not re.match(r"^[a-z0-9_\-]*$", name): raise ValueError( f"Dataset names may only include lowercase alphanumeric, underscore, and hyphen characters. " f"Received: {name}" ) return name
[docs] def set_extra_files(self, files: Union[List[Union[str, Path]], Dict[str, List[Union[str, Path]]]]): """ Datasets commonly have extra or supporting files. Any file passed to this function will be added to the requested directory. :param files: When provided a list of string or Path objects all paths provided in the list will be sent to the same logical key "supporting_files". When provided a dictionary mapping strings to list of string or Path objects, the paths will be placed in logical keys labeled by their dictionary entry. """ # Convert to dictionary if isinstance(files, list): files = {"supporting_files": files} # Check all paths provided converted = {} for lk_parent, files_list in files.items(): converted[lk_parent] = [] for f in files_list: converted[lk_parent].append(Path(f).expanduser().resolve(strict=True)) # Set the paths self.extra_files = converted
@staticmethod def _recursive_clean(pkg: quilt3.Package, metadata_reduction_map: Dict[str, bool]): # For all keys in current package level for key in pkg: # If it is a PackageEntry object, we know we have hit a leaf node if isinstance(pkg[key], quilt3.packages.PackageEntry): # Reduce the metadata to a single value where it can cleaned_meta = {} for meta_k, meta_v in pkg[key].meta.items(): # If the metadata reduction map at the metadata column (or meta_k) can be reduced/ collapsed (True) # Reduce/ collapse the metadata # Reminder: this step will make the metadata access for every file of the same file type the same # format. Example: all files under the key "FOV" will have the same metadata access after this # function runs. All the metadata access for the same file type across the package, if one file has # a list of values for the metadata key, "A", we want all files of the same type to all have list of # values for the metadata key, "A". # We also can't just use a set here for two reasons, the first is simply that sets are not JSON # serializable. "But you can just cast to a set then back to a list!!!". The second reason is that # because a file can have multiple list of values in it's metadata, if we cast to a set, one list # may be reduced to two items while another, different metadata list of values may be reduced to # a single item. Which leads to the problem of matching up metadata to metadata for the same file. # The example to use here is looking at an FOV files metadata: # {"CellID": [1, 2, 3], "CellIndex": [4, 8, 12]} By having them both as list without any chance of # reduction means that it is easy to match metadata values to each other. # "CellId" 1 maps to "CellIndex" 4, 2 maps to 8, and 3 maps to 12 in this case. if metadata_reduction_map[meta_k]: cleaned_meta[meta_k] = meta_v[0] # Else, do not reduce else: cleaned_meta[meta_k] = meta_v # Update the object with the cleaned metadata pkg[key].set_meta(cleaned_meta) else: Dataset._recursive_clean(pkg[key], metadata_reduction_map) return pkg
[docs] def distribute( self, push_uri: Optional[str] = None, message: Optional[str] = None, attach_associates: bool = True, ) -> quilt3.Package: """ Push a package to a specific S3 bucket. If no bucket is provided, the un-built, un-pushed package is returned. You can push a dataset with the same name multiple times to the same bucket multiple times as instead of overriding a prior dataset, Quilt simply creates a new dataset version. Please refer to Quilt documentation for more details: :param push_uri: The S3 bucket uri to push to. Example: "s3://quilt-jacksonb" :param message: An optional message to attach to that version of the dataset. :param attach_associates: Boolean option to attach associates as metadata to each file. Associates are used to retain quick navigation between related files. :return: The built and optionally pushed quilt3.Package. """ # Confirm name matches approved pattern # We previously checked during init, but the name could have been changed name = self.return_or_raise_approved_name( # Create empty package pkg = quilt3.Package() # Write any extra files to tempdir to send to the build with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: # Set all referenced files text = self.readme.text for rf in self.readme.referenced_files: replaced = f"referenced_files/{}" text = text.replace(, replaced) pkg.set(replaced, str(rf.resolved)) # Write the updated readme to temp readme_pk = Path(tmpdir, "") with open(readme_pk, "w") as readme_write: readme_write.write(text) # Set the readme pkg.set("", readme_pk) # Validate the dataset v_ds = validate( # Set package contents if len(self.path_columns) > 0: fp_cols = self.path_columns else: fp_cols = v_ds.schema.df.index[v_ds.schema.df["dtype"].str.contains("Path")].tolist() # Create associate mappings: List[Dict[str, str]] # This list is in index order. Meaning that as the column values are descended we can simply add a # new associate to the already existing associate map at that list index. associates = [] # Create metadata reduction map # This will be used to clean up and standardize the metadata access after object construction # Metadata column name to boolean value for should or should not reduce metadata values # This will be used during the "clean up the package metadata step" # If we have multiple files each with the same keys for the metadata, but for one reason or another, one # packaged file's value for a certain key is a list while another's is a single string, this leads to a # confusing mixed return value API for the same _type_ of object. Example: # fov/ # obj1/ # {example_key: "hello"} # obj2/ # {example_key: ["hello", "world"]} # Commonly this happens when a manifest has rows of unique instances of a child object but retains a # reference to a parent object, example: rows of information about unique cells that were all generated # using the same algorithm, whose information is stored in a column, for each cell information row. # This could result in some files (which only have one cell) being a single string while other files # (which have more than one cell) being a list of the same string over and over again. # "Why spend all this time to reduce/ collapse the metadata anyway?", besides making it so that users won't # have to call `obj2.meta["example_key"][0]` every time they want the value, and besides the fact that it # standardizes the metadata api, the biggest reason is that S3 objects can only have 2KB of metadata, # without this reduction/ collapse step, manifests are more likely to hit that limit and cause a package # distribution error. metadata_reduction_map = {index_col: True for index_col in self.metadata_columns} # Set all files with tqdm(total=len(fp_cols) * len(, desc="Constructing package") as pbar: for col in fp_cols: # Check display name for col if col in self.column_names_map: col_label = self.column_names_map[col] else: col_label = col # Update values to the logical key as they are set for i, val in enumerate([col].values): # Fully resolve the path physical_key = Path(val).expanduser().resolve() # Just using could result in files that shouldn't be grouped being grouped # Example column: # SourceReadpath # a/0.tiff # a/1.tiff # b/0.tiff # b/1.tiff # Even though there are four files, this would result in both a/0.tiff and b/0.tiff, and, # a/1.tiff and b/1.tiff being grouped together. To solve this we can prepend a the first couple # of characters from a hash of the fully resolved path to the logical key. unique_file_name = file_utils.create_unique_logical_key(physical_key) logical_key = f"{col_label}/{unique_file_name}" if physical_key.is_file():[col].values[i] = logical_key # Create metadata dictionary to attach to object meta = {} for meta_col in self.metadata_columns: # Short reference to current metadata value v =[meta_col].values[i] # Enforce simple JSON serializable type # First check if value is a numpy value # It likely is because pandas relies on numpy # All numpy types have the "dtype" attribute and can be cast to python type by using # the `item` function, details here: # if hasattr(v, "dtype"): v = v.item() if isinstance(v, JSONSerializableTypes): meta[meta_col] = [v] else: raise TypeError( f"Non-simple-JSON-serializable type found in column: '{meta_col}', " f"at index: {i}: ({type(v)} '{v}').\n\n " f"At this time only the following types are allowing in metadata: " f"{JSONSerializableTypes}" ) # Check if object already exists if logical_key in pkg: # Join the two meta dictionaries joined_meta = {} for meta_col, curr_v in pkg[logical_key].meta.items(): # Join the values for the current iteration of the metadata joined_values = [*curr_v, *meta[meta_col]] # Only check if the metadata at this index can be reduced if currently is still # being decided. We know if the metadata value at this index is still be decided if: # the boolean value in the metadata reduction map is True, as in, this index can be # reduced or collapsed. # The other reason to make this check is so that we don't override an earlier False # reduction value. In the case where early on we encounter an instance of the # metadata that should not be reduced but then later on we say it can be, this check # prevents that. As we want all metadata access across the dataset to be uniform. if metadata_reduction_map[meta_col]: # Update the metadata reduction map # For the current column being checked, as long as it is still being # determined that the column can be reduced (aka we have entered this if block) # check if we can still reduce the metadata after the recent addition. # "We can reduce the metadata if the count of the first value (or any value) is # the same as the length of the entire list of values" # This runs quickly for small lists as seen here: # metadata_reduction_map[meta_col] = ( joined_values.count(joined_values[0]) == len(joined_values) ) # Attached the joined values to the joined metadata joined_meta[meta_col] = joined_values # Update meta pkg[logical_key].set_meta(joined_meta) # Object didn't already exist, simply set it else: pkg.set(logical_key, physical_key, meta) # Update associates try: associates[i][col_label] = logical_key except IndexError: associates.append({col_label: logical_key}) else:[col].values[i] = logical_key pkg.set_dir(logical_key, physical_key) # Update progress bar pbar.update() # Clean up package metadata pkg = self._recursive_clean(pkg, metadata_reduction_map) # Attach associates if desired if attach_associates: for i, associate_mapping in tqdm(enumerate(associates), desc="Creating associate metadata blocks"): for col, lk in associate_mapping.items(): # Having dictionary expansion in this order means that associates will override a prior # existing `associates` key, this is assumed safe because attach_associates was set to True. pkg[lk].set_meta({**pkg[lk].meta, **{"associates": associate_mapping}}) # Store validated dataset in the temp dir with paths replaced meta_path = Path(tmpdir, "metadata.csv"), index=False) pkg.set("metadata.csv", meta_path) # Set logical keys for all extra files for lk_parent, files_list in self.extra_files.items(): for f in files_list: pkg.set(f"{lk_parent}/{}", f) # Optionally push if push_uri: pkg = pkg.push(f"{self.package_owner}/{name}", registry=push_uri, message=message) return pkg
def __str__(self): return f"<Dataset [package: {self.package_owner}/{}, shape: {}]>" def __repr__(self): return str(self) def _repr_html_(self): # Swap the markdown table for an html render of the schema table return markdown(self.readme.text)