
cyto_dl aims to implement common image-to-image transformations in a manner that is easy to use for beginners and flexible for those wanting to change parameters and customize the configs for their specific needs. To do so, CytoDl is based on the lightning-hydra-template, which combines the config-based flexibility of hydra and the convenience and multiple levels of abstraction provided by pytorch-lightning. Training, testing, and prediction configs and syntax are identical to those in the lightning-hydra-template repo; as such their docs are the best way to become familiar with the mechanics of using this repo. Below are documented the unique features of this repo. If a type of config or topic is not covered here, it is because it is already documented in the lightning-hydra-template repo. We provide simple example configs to help users get started. These configs rely heavily on OmegaConf’s variable interpolation to keep parameters consistent across configs and limit the complexity exposed to new users. An _aux section can be provided in any config. This can be used to store reference values for interpolation. Any parameters in this section will not be instantiated.


The provided datamodule is the serotiny DataFrame Datamodule wraps MONAI’s persistent dataset. The data config specifies how to construct train, valid, test, and predict dataloaders. Some important arguments are :

  • path: references a folder with train.csv, test.csv, and valid.csv or to a single .csv file with a split column

  • cache_dir: references a location to save cached images to speed up training

  • split_column: if a single .csv is passed to path, split_column is used to divide the manifest into train/test/valid splits.

  • transforms: sequence of transforms that load, preprocess, and augment images for training, testing, and validation. [Monai](https://docs.monai.io/en/stable/transforms.html) offers a wide array of useful transforms. Often, the selected transforms are the primary differentiators of different tasks. For example, labelfree and segmentation differ in part due to how the target is normalized (z-score normalized for labelfree vs binarized for segmentation). When creating your own configs, the transforms are the first thing to change/

  • All additional arguments are assumed to be arguments for the dataloaders, e.g. num_worker, batch_size, pin_memory, etc. See here for dataloader arguments.


This is the workhorse of cyto_dl training. These files compile and override defaults for the data, model, callbacks, trainer, and logger configs. If you are using the example configs, source_col and target_col are expected to refer to the column names of your input and ground truth images in the provided .csv files. experiment_name and run_name are used to organize the saved log files and log to mlflow. path and cache_dir arguments passed to the datamodule config are also required.


The model arrangement that we provide consists of two basic parts:

  1. backbone The backbone is fed the input images and produces an $n$ channel output. This output is then passed to each of the task heads.

  2. task heads task heads transform the backbone output into task-specific outputs. For each task, head and loss keys must be provided.

  • The head function determines how the backbone output is transformed into the task-specific output. If used in a single task case, this can be the identity head, which simply passes through the backbone output. In multi task cases, these can be more complex, doing convolution or further upsampling, 3d to 2d projection, or any other task that you can implement in a custom head.

  • The loss head determines which loss function is run on the output of a given task head. MONAI and pytorch provide many common loss functions, and we implement custom loss functions.

The generator optimizer and lr_scheduler must always be passed, and GANs requires a discriminator optimizer as well.

postprocessing specifies how images are saved out for visualization during training. For an example segmentation task where the raw columns is passed to the model and seg head predicts logits, we get

      _target_: cyto_dl.model.utils.postprocessing.rescale
      _partial_: True
      _target_: cyto_dl.model.utils.postprocessing.rescale
      _partial_: True
      _target_: cyto_dl.model.utils.postprocessing.sigmoid_rescale
      _partial_: True

This tells the model to save out the raw and seg images passed in by rescaling them to 8-bit range, as well as applying sigmoid to the segmentation prediction and rescaling it to 8-bit. Custom postprocessing code is encouraged for your use case, but a few defaults can be found here