aicspylibczi package


aicspylibczi.CziFile module

class aicspylibczi.CziFile.CziFile(czi_filename: str | Path | bytes | BinaryIO | BufferedIOBase | BufferedReader, verbose: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Zeiss CZI file object.

czi_filename (str): Filename of czifile to access.
verbose (bool): Print information and times during czi file access.


Utilizes compiled wrapper to libCZI for accessing the CZI file.

ZISRAW_DIMS = {'B', 'C', 'H', 'I', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'V', 'Z'}
static convert_to_buffer(file: str | Path | bytes | BinaryIO | BufferedIOBase | BufferedReader) BinaryIO | ndarray[source]
property dims

Get the dimensions present the binary data (not the metadata) M, Y, X, A are included for completeness but can not be used as constraints.


A string containing Dimensions letters present, ie “BSTZYX”

Return type:



Dimensions defined in libCZI -

V - view H - phase I - illumination S - scene R - rotation T - time C - channel Z - z plane (height)

Dimensions added by aicspylibczi -

M - mosaic tile, mosaic images only Y - image height X - image width A - samples, BGR/RGB images only


Get the scene (subblocks) bounding boxes (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For mosaic files.


A dictionary with keys of type Int and values of type BBox. The integer key is the Scene Index. For a value, ie bbox, of type BBox:

bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:

dict[int, bbox]


Get one or more tiles (subblocks) bounding boxes (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For mosaic files.


kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”).


A dictionary with keys of type TileInfo and values of type BBox. For a key, ie tle, of type Tile:

tle.dimension_coordinates = A dictionary of Dimensions for the tile

For a value, ie bbox, of type BBox:

bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:

dict[tile_info, bbox]


Get one or more tiles (subblocks) bounding boxes (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For non-mosaic files.


A dictionary with keys of type Int and values of type BBox. The integer key is the Scene Index. For a value, ie bbox, of type BBox:

bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:

dict[int, bbox]


Get one or more tiles (subblocks) bounding boxes (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For non-mosaic files.


kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”).


A dictionary with keys of type TileInfo and values of type BBox. For a key, ie tile, of type Tile:

tile.dimension_coordinates = A dictionary of Dimensions for the tile

For a value, ie bbox, of type BBox:

bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:

dict[tile_info, bbox]


Get the dimensions for the opened file from the binary data (not the metadata)


A list of dictionaries containing Dimension / depth. If the shape is consistent across Scenes then the list will have only one Dictionary. If the shape is inconsistent the the list will have a dictionary

for each Scene. A consistently shaped file with 3 scenes, 7 time-points

and 4 Z slices containing images of (h,w) = (325, 475) would return [

{‘S’: (0, 3), ‘T’: (0,7), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4)}

]. The result for a similarly shaped file but with different number of time-points per scene would yield [

{‘S’: (0, 1), ‘T’: (0,8), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4)}, {‘S’: (1, 2), ‘T’: (0,6), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4)}, {‘S’: (2, 3), ‘T’: (0,7), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4)}

] For the same initial file but with an RGB pixel type the result would be [

{‘S’: (0, 3), ‘T’: (0,7), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4), ‘A’: (0,3)}


Return type:



Get the bounding box for the entire mosaic image.


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:


get_mosaic_scene_bounding_box(index: int = 0)[source]

Get the bounding box (pyramid=0) for the specified scene. For mosaic files. This is not equivalent to the results from get_mosaic_tile_bounding_box.


index – the scene index, if omitted it defaults to Zero


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:



Get a single tile (subblock) bounding box (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For mosaic files.


kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”). M = 10 # The M_index, this is only valid for Mosaic files!


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:


get_scene_bounding_box(index: int = 0)[source]

Get the bounding box (pyramid=0) for the specified scene. For non-mosaic files. This should be equivalent to the results from get_tile_bounding_box but requiring only one arguments.


index – the scene index, if omitted it defaults to Zero


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:



Get a single tile (subblock) bounding box (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For non-mosaic files.


kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”).


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:



Test if the loaded file is a mosaic file


True | False ie is this a mosaic file

Return type:


property meta

Extract the metadata block from the czi file.


The root element of the metadata tree

Return type:


property pixel_type

The pixelType of the images. If the pixelType is different in the different subblocks it returns Invalid.

Return type:

A string containing the name of the type of each pixel. If inconsistent it returns invalid.


Read the subblocks in the CZI file and for any subblocks that match all the constraints in kwargs return that data. This allows you to select channels/scenes/time-points/Z-slices etc. Note if passed a BGR image then the dims of the object will returned by this function and the implicit BGR will be expanded into an A dimension. A is samples per pixel and will only be present for BGR images. This is logically more consistent than mixing the samples into the channels as was done before aicspylibczi-3.0.0.


**kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”). M = 10 # The M_index, this is only valid for Mosaic files!

Specify the number of cores to use for multithreading with cores.

cores = 3 # use 3 cores for threaded reading of the image.


a tuple of (numpy.ndarray, a list of (Dimension, size)) the second element of the tuple is to make sure the numpy.ndarray is interpretable. An example of the list is [(‘S’, 1), (‘T’, 1), (‘C’, 2), (‘Z’, 25), (‘Y’, 1024), (‘X’, 1024)] so if you probed the numpy.ndarray with .shape you would get (1, 1, 2, 25, 1024, 1024).

Return type:

(numpy.ndarray, [Dimension, Size])


The M Dimension is a representation of the m_index used inside libCZI. Unfortunately this can be sparsely packed for a given selection which causes problems when indexing memory. Consequently the M Dimension may not match the m_index that is being used in libCZI or displayed in Zeiss’ Zen software.

read_mosaic(region: Tuple | None = None, scale_factor: float = 1.0, background_color: Tuple | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Reads a mosaic file and returns an image corresponding to the specified dimensions. If the file is more than a 2D sheet of pixels, meaning only one channel, z-slice, time-index, etc then the kwargs must specify the dimension with more than one possible value.

Example: Read in the C=1 channel of a mosaic file at 1/10th the size

czi = CziFile(filename) img = czi.read_mosaic(scale_factor=0.1, C=1)

  • region – A bounding box specifying the extraction box (x0, y0, width, height) specified in pixels

  • scale_factor – The amount to scale the data by, 0.1 would mean an image 1/10 the height and width of native, if you get distortions it seems to be due to a bug in Zeiss’s libCZI I’m trying to track it down but for now if you use scale_factor=1.0 it should work properly.

  • background_color – Background color used when pixel is outside of a sublock. If omitted, it defaults to black (r,g,b)=(0.0,0.0,0.0). Each color component is a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimension plane that constrains the 2D data. If the constraints are underspecified the function will fail.

    Z = 1   # The Z-dimension.
    C = 2   # The C-dimension ("channel").
    T = 3   # The T-dimension ("time").
    R = 4   # The R-dimension ("rotation").
    S = 5   # The S-dimension ("scene").
    I = 6   # The I-dimension ("illumination").
    H = 7   # The H-dimension ("phase").
    V = 8   # The V-dimension ("view").

(1, height, width)

Return type:


read_subblock_metadata(unified_xml: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Read the subblock specific metadata, ie time subblock was acquired / position at acquisition time etc.

  • unified_xml (bool) – If True return a single unified xml tree containing the requested subblock. If False return a list of tuples (dims, xml)

  • kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

    Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”). M = 10 # The M_index, this is only valid for Mosaic files!


  • [(dict, str)] if unified_xml is False – an array of tuples containing a dimension dictionary and the corresponding subblock metadata

  • xml.etree.ElementTree.Element if unified_xml is True – an xml document containing the requested subblock metadata.

property shape_is_consistent

Query if the file shape is consistent across scenes.


true if consistent, false the scenes have different dimension shapes

Return type:


property size

This returns the Size of each dimension in the dims string. So if S had valid indexes of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] the returned tuple would have a value of 5 in the same position as the S occurs in the dims string.


a tuple of dimension sizes. If the data has inconsistent shape the list will only contain -1 values and the user needs to use dims_shape() to get the indexes.

Return type:


aicspylibczi.types module

Module contents

class aicspylibczi.CziFile(czi_filename: str | Path | bytes | BinaryIO | BufferedIOBase | BufferedReader, verbose: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Zeiss CZI file object.

czi_filename (str): Filename of czifile to access.
verbose (bool): Print information and times during czi file access.


Utilizes compiled wrapper to libCZI for accessing the CZI file.

ZISRAW_DIMS = {'B', 'C', 'H', 'I', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'V', 'Z'}
static convert_to_buffer(file: str | Path | bytes | BinaryIO | BufferedIOBase | BufferedReader) BinaryIO | ndarray[source]
property dims

Get the dimensions present the binary data (not the metadata) M, Y, X, A are included for completeness but can not be used as constraints.


A string containing Dimensions letters present, ie “BSTZYX”

Return type:



Dimensions defined in libCZI -

V - view H - phase I - illumination S - scene R - rotation T - time C - channel Z - z plane (height)

Dimensions added by aicspylibczi -

M - mosaic tile, mosaic images only Y - image height X - image width A - samples, BGR/RGB images only


Get the scene (subblocks) bounding boxes (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For mosaic files.


A dictionary with keys of type Int and values of type BBox. The integer key is the Scene Index. For a value, ie bbox, of type BBox:

bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:

dict[int, bbox]


Get one or more tiles (subblocks) bounding boxes (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For mosaic files.


kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”).


A dictionary with keys of type TileInfo and values of type BBox. For a key, ie tle, of type Tile:

tle.dimension_coordinates = A dictionary of Dimensions for the tile

For a value, ie bbox, of type BBox:

bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:

dict[tile_info, bbox]


Get one or more tiles (subblocks) bounding boxes (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For non-mosaic files.


A dictionary with keys of type Int and values of type BBox. The integer key is the Scene Index. For a value, ie bbox, of type BBox:

bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:

dict[int, bbox]


Get one or more tiles (subblocks) bounding boxes (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For non-mosaic files.


kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”).


A dictionary with keys of type TileInfo and values of type BBox. For a key, ie tile, of type Tile:

tile.dimension_coordinates = A dictionary of Dimensions for the tile

For a value, ie bbox, of type BBox:

bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:

dict[tile_info, bbox]


Get the dimensions for the opened file from the binary data (not the metadata)


A list of dictionaries containing Dimension / depth. If the shape is consistent across Scenes then the list will have only one Dictionary. If the shape is inconsistent the the list will have a dictionary

for each Scene. A consistently shaped file with 3 scenes, 7 time-points

and 4 Z slices containing images of (h,w) = (325, 475) would return [

{‘S’: (0, 3), ‘T’: (0,7), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4)}

]. The result for a similarly shaped file but with different number of time-points per scene would yield [

{‘S’: (0, 1), ‘T’: (0,8), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4)}, {‘S’: (1, 2), ‘T’: (0,6), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4)}, {‘S’: (2, 3), ‘T’: (0,7), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4)}

] For the same initial file but with an RGB pixel type the result would be [

{‘S’: (0, 3), ‘T’: (0,7), ‘X’: (0, 475), ‘Y’: (0, 325), ‘Z’: (0, 4), ‘A’: (0,3)}


Return type:



Get the bounding box for the entire mosaic image.


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:


get_mosaic_scene_bounding_box(index: int = 0)[source]

Get the bounding box (pyramid=0) for the specified scene. For mosaic files. This is not equivalent to the results from get_mosaic_tile_bounding_box.


index – the scene index, if omitted it defaults to Zero


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:



Get a single tile (subblock) bounding box (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For mosaic files.


kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”). M = 10 # The M_index, this is only valid for Mosaic files!


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:


get_scene_bounding_box(index: int = 0)[source]

Get the bounding box (pyramid=0) for the specified scene. For non-mosaic files. This should be equivalent to the results from get_tile_bounding_box but requiring only one arguments.


index – the scene index, if omitted it defaults to Zero


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:



Get a single tile (subblock) bounding box (pyramid=0) for the specified dimensions. For non-mosaic files.


kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”).


A Bounding Box, bbox, of type BBox. bbox.x = The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.y = The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding box. bbox.w = The width of the bounding box. bbox.h = The height of the bounding box.

Return type:



Test if the loaded file is a mosaic file


True | False ie is this a mosaic file

Return type:


property meta

Extract the metadata block from the czi file.


The root element of the metadata tree

Return type:


property pixel_type

The pixelType of the images. If the pixelType is different in the different subblocks it returns Invalid.

Return type:

A string containing the name of the type of each pixel. If inconsistent it returns invalid.


Read the subblocks in the CZI file and for any subblocks that match all the constraints in kwargs return that data. This allows you to select channels/scenes/time-points/Z-slices etc. Note if passed a BGR image then the dims of the object will returned by this function and the implicit BGR will be expanded into an A dimension. A is samples per pixel and will only be present for BGR images. This is logically more consistent than mixing the samples into the channels as was done before aicspylibczi-3.0.0.


**kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”). M = 10 # The M_index, this is only valid for Mosaic files!

Specify the number of cores to use for multithreading with cores.

cores = 3 # use 3 cores for threaded reading of the image.


a tuple of (numpy.ndarray, a list of (Dimension, size)) the second element of the tuple is to make sure the numpy.ndarray is interpretable. An example of the list is [(‘S’, 1), (‘T’, 1), (‘C’, 2), (‘Z’, 25), (‘Y’, 1024), (‘X’, 1024)] so if you probed the numpy.ndarray with .shape you would get (1, 1, 2, 25, 1024, 1024).

Return type:

(numpy.ndarray, [Dimension, Size])


The M Dimension is a representation of the m_index used inside libCZI. Unfortunately this can be sparsely packed for a given selection which causes problems when indexing memory. Consequently the M Dimension may not match the m_index that is being used in libCZI or displayed in Zeiss’ Zen software.

read_mosaic(region: Tuple | None = None, scale_factor: float = 1.0, background_color: Tuple | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Reads a mosaic file and returns an image corresponding to the specified dimensions. If the file is more than a 2D sheet of pixels, meaning only one channel, z-slice, time-index, etc then the kwargs must specify the dimension with more than one possible value.

Example: Read in the C=1 channel of a mosaic file at 1/10th the size

czi = CziFile(filename) img = czi.read_mosaic(scale_factor=0.1, C=1)

  • region – A bounding box specifying the extraction box (x0, y0, width, height) specified in pixels

  • scale_factor – The amount to scale the data by, 0.1 would mean an image 1/10 the height and width of native, if you get distortions it seems to be due to a bug in Zeiss’s libCZI I’m trying to track it down but for now if you use scale_factor=1.0 it should work properly.

  • background_color – Background color used when pixel is outside of a sublock. If omitted, it defaults to black (r,g,b)=(0.0,0.0,0.0). Each color component is a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimension plane that constrains the 2D data. If the constraints are underspecified the function will fail.

    Z = 1   # The Z-dimension.
    C = 2   # The C-dimension ("channel").
    T = 3   # The T-dimension ("time").
    R = 4   # The R-dimension ("rotation").
    S = 5   # The S-dimension ("scene").
    I = 6   # The I-dimension ("illumination").
    H = 7   # The H-dimension ("phase").
    V = 8   # The V-dimension ("view").

(1, height, width)

Return type:


read_subblock_metadata(unified_xml: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Read the subblock specific metadata, ie time subblock was acquired / position at acquisition time etc.

  • unified_xml (bool) – If True return a single unified xml tree containing the requested subblock. If False return a list of tuples (dims, xml)

  • kwargs – The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.

    Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”). R = 4 # The R-dimension (“rotation”). S = 5 # The S-dimension (“scene”). I = 6 # The I-dimension (“illumination”). H = 7 # The H-dimension (“phase”). V = 8 # The V-dimension (“view”). M = 10 # The M_index, this is only valid for Mosaic files!


  • [(dict, str)] if unified_xml is False – an array of tuples containing a dimension dictionary and the corresponding subblock metadata

  • xml.etree.ElementTree.Element if unified_xml is True – an xml document containing the requested subblock metadata.

property shape_is_consistent

Query if the file shape is consistent across scenes.


true if consistent, false the scenes have different dimension shapes

Return type:


property size

This returns the Size of each dimension in the dims string. So if S had valid indexes of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] the returned tuple would have a value of 5 in the same position as the S occurs in the dims string.


a tuple of dimension sizes. If the data has inconsistent shape the list will only contain -1 values and the user needs to use dims_shape() to get the indexes.

Return type:
