actk.steps.standardize_fov_array package


actk.steps.standardize_fov_array.standardize_fov_array module

class actk.steps.standardize_fov_array.standardize_fov_array.StandardizeFOVArray(filepath_columns=['StandardizedFOVPath'], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: datastep.step.Step

run(dataset: Union[str, pathlib.Path, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame], current_pixel_sizes: Optional[Tuple[float]] = (0.10833333333333332, 0.10833333333333332, 0.29), desired_pixel_sizes: Tuple[float] = (0.29, 0.29, 0.29), distributed_executor_address: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs) → pathlib.Path[source]

Convert a dataset of raw FOV images and their nucleus and membrane segmentations, into a single, standard order and shape, and normalized image.


dataset (Union[str, Path, pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame]) – The dataset to use for generating standard order, normalized, image arrays.

Required dataset columns: [“FOVId”, “SourceReadPath”, “NucleusSegmentationReadPath”, “MembraneSegmentationReadPath”, “ChannelIndexDNA”, “ChannelIndexMembrane”, “ChannelIndexStructure”, “ChannelIndexBrightfield”]

current_pixel_sizes: Optional[Tuple[float]]

The current physical pixel sizes as a tuple of the raw image. Default: (0.10833333333333332, 0.10833333333333332, 0.29), though if None, uses (aicsimageio.AICSImage.get_physical_pixel_size on the raw image)

desired_pixel_sizes: Tuple[float]

The desired pixel size for to resize each image to in XYZ order. Default: (0.29, 0.29, 0.29)

distributed_executor_address: Optional[str]

An optional executor address to pass to some computation engine. Default: None

batch_size: Optional[int]

An optional batch size to process n features at a time. Default: None (Process all at once)

overwrite: bool

If this step has already partially or completely run, should it overwrite the previous files or not. Default: False (Do not overwrite or regenerate files)


manifest_save_path – Path to the produced manifest with the StandardizedFOVPath column added.

Return type


class actk.steps.standardize_fov_array.standardize_fov_array.StandardizeFOVArrayError(fov_id, error)[source]

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of StandardizeFOVArrayError(fov_id, error)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class actk.steps.standardize_fov_array.standardize_fov_array.StandardizeFOVArrayResult(fov_id, path)[source]

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of StandardizeFOVArrayResult(fov_id, path)


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

Module contents

class actk.steps.standardize_fov_array.StandardizeFOVArray(filepath_columns=['StandardizedFOVPath'], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: datastep.step.Step

run(dataset: Union[str, pathlib.Path, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame], current_pixel_sizes: Optional[Tuple[float]] = (0.10833333333333332, 0.10833333333333332, 0.29), desired_pixel_sizes: Tuple[float] = (0.29, 0.29, 0.29), distributed_executor_address: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs) → pathlib.Path[source]

Convert a dataset of raw FOV images and their nucleus and membrane segmentations, into a single, standard order and shape, and normalized image.


dataset (Union[str, Path, pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame]) – The dataset to use for generating standard order, normalized, image arrays.

Required dataset columns: [“FOVId”, “SourceReadPath”, “NucleusSegmentationReadPath”, “MembraneSegmentationReadPath”, “ChannelIndexDNA”, “ChannelIndexMembrane”, “ChannelIndexStructure”, “ChannelIndexBrightfield”]

current_pixel_sizes: Optional[Tuple[float]]

The current physical pixel sizes as a tuple of the raw image. Default: (0.10833333333333332, 0.10833333333333332, 0.29), though if None, uses (aicsimageio.AICSImage.get_physical_pixel_size on the raw image)

desired_pixel_sizes: Tuple[float]

The desired pixel size for to resize each image to in XYZ order. Default: (0.29, 0.29, 0.29)

distributed_executor_address: Optional[str]

An optional executor address to pass to some computation engine. Default: None

batch_size: Optional[int]

An optional batch size to process n features at a time. Default: None (Process all at once)

overwrite: bool

If this step has already partially or completely run, should it overwrite the previous files or not. Default: False (Do not overwrite or regenerate files)


manifest_save_path – Path to the produced manifest with the StandardizedFOVPath column added.

Return type
