Source code for actk.steps.diagnostic_sheets.diagnostic_sheets

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union

import aicsimageio
import dask.dataframe as dd
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from aics_dask_utils import DistributedHandler
from datastep import Step, log_run_params

from ...constants import DatasetFields
from ...utils import dataset_utils
from ..single_cell_images import SingleCellImages"dark_background")


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



[docs]class DiagnosticSheetResult(NamedTuple): cell_id: Union[int, str] save_path: Optional[Path] = None
[docs]class DiagnosticSheetError(NamedTuple): cell_id: Union[int, str] error: str
[docs]class DiagnosticSheets(Step): def __init__( self, direct_upstream_tasks: List["Step"] = [SingleCellImages], filepath_columns=[DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath], **kwargs, ): super().__init__( direct_upstream_tasks=direct_upstream_tasks, filepath_columns=filepath_columns, **kwargs, ) @staticmethod def _save_plot( dataset: pd.DataFrame, metadata: str, metadata_value: str, number_of_subplots: int, feature: Optional[str] = None, fig_width: Optional[int] = None, fig_height: Optional[int] = None, ):"Beginning diagnostic sheet generation for {metadata_value}") # Choose columns and rows columns = int(np.sqrt(number_of_subplots) + 0.5) rows = columns + 1 # Set figure size if not fig_width: fig_width = columns * 7 if not fig_height: fig_height = rows * 5 # Set subplots fig, ax_array = plt.subplots( rows, columns, squeeze=False, figsize=(fig_height, fig_width), ) for row_index, row in dataset.iterrows(): this_axes = ax_array.flatten()[row_index] # Load feature to plot if feature if feature: with open(row[DatasetFields.CellFeaturesPath]) as f: cell_features = json.load(f) title = "CellId: {0}, {1} {2}: {3}".format( row[DatasetFields.CellId], "\n", feature, cell_features[feature], ) this_axes.set_title(title) else: this_axes.set_title(f"CellID: {row[DatasetFields.CellId]}") # Read AllProjections Image img = mpimg.imread(row[DatasetFields.CellImage2DAllProjectionsPath]) this_axes.imshow(img) this_axes.set_aspect(1) # Need to do this outside the loop because sometimes number # of rows < number of axes subplots [ax.axis("off") for ax in ax_array.flatten()] # Save figure ax_array.flatten()[0].get_figure().savefig( dataset[DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath + str(metadata)][0] ) # Close figure, otherwise clogs memory plt.close(fig)"Completed diagnostic sheet generation for" f"{metadata_value}") @staticmethod def _collect_group( row_index: int, row: pd.Series, diagnostic_sheet_dir: Path, overwrite: bool, metadata: str, max_cells: int, ) -> Union[DiagnosticSheetResult, DiagnosticSheetError]: # Don't use dask for image reading aicsimageio.use_dask(False) try: # Get the ultimate end save paths for grouped plot if row[str(metadata)] or row[str(metadata)] == 0: assert DatasetFields.CellImage2DAllProjectionsPath in row.index save_path_index = int( np.ceil((row["SubplotNumber" + str(metadata)] + 1) / max_cells) ) # np ceil for 0 = 0 if save_path_index == 0: save_path_index = 1 # Clean metadata name of spaces cleaned_metadata_name = str(row[str(metadata)]).replace(" ", "-") save_path = ( diagnostic_sheet_dir / f"{metadata}" f"_{cleaned_metadata_name}" f"_{save_path_index}.png" ) f"Collecting diagnostic sheet path for cell ID: {row.CellId}, " f"{metadata}: {row[str(metadata)]}" ) else: # else no path to save save_path = None # Check skip if not overwrite and save_path.is_file(): f"Skipping diagnostic sheet path for cell ID: {row.CellId}, " f"{metadata}: {row[str(metadata)]}" ) return DiagnosticSheetResult(row.CellId, None) # Return ready to save image return DiagnosticSheetResult(row.CellId, str(save_path)) # Catch and return error except Exception as e: f"Failed to retrieve the CellImage2DAllProjectionsPath" f"for cell ID: {row.CellId}," f"{metadata} {row[str(metadata)]}" f"Error: {e}" ) return DiagnosticSheetError(row.CellId, str(e))
[docs] @log_run_params def run( self, dataset: Union[str, Path, pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame], max_cells: int = 200, metadata: Optional[Union[list, str]] = DatasetFields.FOVId, feature: Optional[str] = None, fig_width: Optional[int] = None, fig_height: Optional[int] = None, distributed_executor_address: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Provided a dataset of single cell all projection images, generate a diagnostic sheet grouped by desired metadata and feature Parameters ---------- dataset: Union[str, Path, pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame] The primary cell dataset to use for generating diagnistic sheet for a group of cells. **Required dataset columns:** *["CellId", "CellImage2DAllProjectionsPath"]* max_cells: int The maximum number of cells to display on a single diagnostic sheet. Deafult: 200 metadata: Optional[Union[list, str]] The metadata to group cells and generate a diagnostic sheet. For example, "FOVId" or "["FOVId", "ProteinDisplayName"]" Default: "FOVId" feature: Optional[str] The name of the single cell feature to display. For example, "imsize_orig". fig_width: Optional[int] Width of the diagnostic sheet figure. fig_height: Optional[int] Height of the diagnostic sheet figure. distributed_executor_address: Optional[str] An optional executor address to pass to some computation engine. Default: None batch_size: Optional[int] An optional batch size to process n features at a time. Default: None (Process all at once) overwrite: bool If this step has already partially or completely run, should it overwrite the previous files or not. Default: False (Do not overwrite or regenerate files) Returns ------- manifest_save_path: Path Path to the produced manifest with the DiagnosticSheetPath column added. """ if isinstance(dataset, (str, Path)): dataset = Path(dataset).expanduser().resolve(strict=True) # Read dataset dataset = pd.read_csv(dataset) # Check dataset and manifest have required fields dataset_utils.check_required_fields( dataset=dataset, required_fields=REQUIRED_DATASET_FIELDS, ) # Create save directories diagnostic_sheet_dir = self.step_local_staging_dir / "diagnostic_sheets" diagnostic_sheet_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Create empty manifest manifest = { DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath: [], } # Check for metadata if metadata: # Make metadata a list metadata = metadata if isinstance(metadata, list) else [metadata] # Make an empty list of grouped_datasets to collect and # then distribute via Dask for plotting all_grouped_datasets = [] all_metadata = [] all_metadata_values = [] all_subplot_numbers = [] # Process each row for j, this_metadata in enumerate(metadata): # Add some helper columns for subsequent analysis helper_dataset = pd.DataFrame() for unique_metadata_value in dataset[this_metadata].unique(): dataset_subgroup = dataset.loc[ dataset[this_metadata] == unique_metadata_value ] # "SubplotNumber" + str(this_metadata) + "/MaxCells" is a new column # which will help iterate through subplots to add to a figure dataset_subgroup.insert( 2, "SubplotNumber" + str(this_metadata) + "/MaxCells", dataset_subgroup.groupby(this_metadata)["CellId"].transform( lambda x: ((~x.duplicated()).cumsum() - 1) % max_cells ), True, ) # "SubplotNumber" + str(this_metadata) is a new column # which will help in the _collect group method to identify # diagnostic sheet save paths per CellId dataset_subgroup.insert( 2, "SubplotNumber" + str(this_metadata), dataset_subgroup.groupby(this_metadata)["CellId"].transform( lambda x: ((~x.duplicated()).cumsum() - 1) ), True, ) helper_dataset = helper_dataset.append(dataset_subgroup) dataset = helper_dataset # Done creating helper columns # Create empty diagnostic sheet result dataset and errors diagnostic_sheet_result_dataset = [] errors = [] with DistributedHandler(distributed_executor_address) as handler: # First, lets collect all the diagnostic sheet save paths # per CellId. These are collected based on this_metadata # and max_cells diagnostic_sheet_result = handler.batched_map( self._collect_group, # Convert dataframe iterrows into two lists of items to iterate # One list will be row index # One list will be the pandas series of every row *zip(*list(dataset.iterrows())), [diagnostic_sheet_dir for i in range(len(dataset))], [overwrite for i in range(len(dataset))], [this_metadata for i in range(len(dataset))], [max_cells for i in range(len(dataset))], ) # Generate diagnostic sheet dataset rows for r in diagnostic_sheet_result: if isinstance(r, DiagnosticSheetResult): diagnostic_sheet_result_dataset.append( { DatasetFields.CellId: r.cell_id, DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath + str(this_metadata): r.save_path, } ) else: errors.append( {DatasetFields.CellId: r.cell_id, "Error": r.error} ) # Convert diagnostic sheet paths rows to dataframe diagnostic_sheet_result_dataset = pd.DataFrame( diagnostic_sheet_result_dataset ) # Drop the various diagnostic sheet columns if they already exist # Check at j = 0 because the path will exist at j > 1 if # multiple metadata drop_columns = [] if ( DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath + str(this_metadata) in dataset.columns ): drop_columns.append( DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath + str(this_metadata) ) dataset = dataset.drop(columns=drop_columns) # Update manifest with these paths if there is data if len(diagnostic_sheet_result_dataset) > 0: # Join original dataset to the fov paths dataset = dataset.merge( diagnostic_sheet_result_dataset, on=DatasetFields.CellId, ) # Reset index in dataset if j == 0: dataset.dropna().reset_index(inplace=True) # Update manifest with these saved paths this_metadata_paths = dataset[ DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath + str(this_metadata) ].unique() for this_path in this_metadata_paths: if this_path not in manifest[DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath]: manifest[DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath].append( this_path ) # Save errored cells to JSON with open( self.step_local_staging_dir / "errors.json", "w" ) as write_out: json.dump(errors, write_out) # Group the dataset by this metadata and the saved # diagnostic sheet paths (there can be many different save paths) # per metadata value (if max_cells < number of items of # this_metadata) grouped_dataset = dataset.groupby( [ str(this_metadata), DatasetFields.DiagnosticSheetPath + str(this_metadata), ] )["SubplotNumber" + str(this_metadata) + "/MaxCells"] # Get maximum values of the subplot numbers in this # grouped dataset. This will tell us the shape of the figure # to make grouped_max = grouped_dataset.max() # Loop through metadata value and max number of subplots for metadata_value, number_of_subplots in grouped_max.items(): # Total num of subplots = subplots + 1 number_of_subplots = number_of_subplots + 1 # Get this metadata group from the original dataset this_metadata_value_dataset = grouped_dataset.get_group( metadata_value, dataset ) # reset index this_metadata_value_dataset.reset_index(inplace=True) # Append to related lists for Dask distributed plotting # of all groups all_grouped_datasets.append(this_metadata_value_dataset) all_metadata.append(this_metadata) all_metadata_values.append(metadata_value) all_subplot_numbers.append(number_of_subplots) # Plot each diagnostic sheet with DistributedHandler(distributed_executor_address) as handler: # Start processing. This will add subplots to the current fig # axes via dask handler.batched_map( self._save_plot, # Convert dataframe iterrows into two lists of items to # iterate. One list will be row index # One list will be the pandas series of every row [dataset for dataset in all_grouped_datasets], [metadata for metadata in all_metadata], [metadata_value for metadata_value in all_metadata_values], [number_of_subplots for number_of_subplots in all_subplot_numbers], [feature for i in range(len(all_grouped_datasets))], [fig_width for i in range(len(all_grouped_datasets))], [fig_height for i in range(len(all_grouped_datasets))], ) self.manifest = pd.DataFrame(manifest) else: # If no metadata, just return input manifest self.manifest = dataset # Save manifest to CSV manifest_save_path = self.step_local_staging_dir / "manifest.csv" self.manifest.to_csv(manifest_save_path, index=False) return manifest_save_path